Iron deficiency and perimenopause: What are the signs?
Discover the link between iron deficiency and perimenopause and how to spot the signs early.
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[Eve Lepage] ( ist Wissenschaftsautorin bei Clue, Krankenpflegerin mit Fachgebiet reproduktive Gesundheit und Verfechterin reproduktiver Rechte. Eve erstellt ansprechende und zugängliche Inhalte zu sexueller und reproduktiver Gesundheit für In-App- und Web-Artikel. Sie lebt in Berlin.
Discover the link between iron deficiency and perimenopause and how to spot the signs early.
In den meisten Fällen funktioniert die Notfallverhütung.
Vielleicht hast du schon mal gehört, dass hormonelle Verhütungsmittel die Stimmung negativ beeinflussen, indem sie einen Menschen depressiv, ängstlich und...
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Have you ever heard of ovulation prediction tests? If you’re trying to conceive, they could be a valuable tool for...
Orientation aside, exploring non-reproductive sex with your partner can be liberating.
Cancer seemed to change people’s take on my decision to freeze my eggs.
This was my ticket to extended freedom and continuing to focus on my career.
Gewisse Schwankungen bei deiner Zyklusdauer sind normal.
Since many studies do not distinguish between female ejaculation and squirting, it’s difficult to know for sure. Based on the...
There are many different reasons why someone would consider undergoing egg freezing. Unlike embryo freezing (embryo cryopreservation), egg freezing doesn’t...
Choosing the type of birth control that’s right for you can be overwhelming. Don’t worry—we’re here to help.
Here’s how long it takes to conceive, depending on what kind of birth control you were using.
If you’re trying to conceive, pregnancy tests are likely part of your routine. But how will you know when to...
This article will explain one of the more widely known types of assisted reproductive technologies (ART); how it works, why...
Die Heilung nach einer Schwangerschaft und Geburt ist komplex und von Mensch zu Mensch unterschiedlich.
In den meisten Fällen handelt es sich um Zervixschleim.
About one in five cases of infertility can be attributed solely to sperm health.
Wir erklären, wie du vaginalen Ausfluss, Lubrikationsflüssigkeit und Zervixschleim erkennst.
Sex education has been a part of school curriculums in the United States and other parts of the world for...
Der Einsatz von Frauenkondomen erfordert eine gewisse Praxis
It’s possible to maintain an exciting, fulfilling, enjoyable sex life while you’re trying to conceive. Sex can fulfill the practical...