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Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Cycle

The brain, emotion, and the menstrual cycle: What science tells us

We spoke to Anne Marieke Doornweerd, a PhD candidate at Utrecht University, to learn more about emotions and the brain.

Illustration of Clue's cycle graphic
Menstrual Cycle

What is an “irregular” menstrual cycle?

Your menstrual cycle is an indicator of your body’s overall functioning.

The phases and hormones of the menstrual cycle.
Menstrual Cycle

What is the menstrual cycle?

Understanding the cycle is important for your overall health. We break down the phases and hormones of the menstrual cycle.

Your Vagina

Articles about Vaginal & Cervical Fluids, including discharge.

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At Clue, we are period experts. Here is where we post tampon reviews, menstrual cup reviews, pad reviews, period panty...

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Menopause and Perimenopause

Articles about Menopause and Perimenopause.

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