Graphics by Segismundo Bragança
Clue Pregnancy Mode
This isn’t your regular pregnancy tracker app
Top things to know:
Track fetal movement, weight, emotions and more with Clue Pregnancy mode
Learn about your bodily changes throughout pregnancy
Follow your progress from conception to 6 weeks postpartum
Just found out you’re pregnant? You can keep using Clue with Clue Pregnancy mode. Pregnancy and postpartum are big life stages for many women and people with cycles and some pregnancy tracking apps are made by people without scientific or medical background. Clue Pregnancy mode is purposely different. It is based on science and was created by a team of experts including healthcare providers like certified obstetrician-gynecologists (OB/GYNs and Reproductive Endocrinologists and Infertility Specialists), Certified Nurse Midwives (CNMs), women’s health nurse practitioners (WHNPs), registered nurses (RNs), lactation consultants, and doulas.
We want to help you learn about the changes you may go through. About 75% of pregnant people use a pregnancy app daily during their pregnancy (1), but most pregnancy apps are created by people who aren’t healthcare providers or pregnancy experts (2). Likewise, the majority of pregnancy tracker apps aren’t science-based (3).
Clue Pregnancy mode doesn’t rely on outdated gender stereotypes and presents information in a contemporary, gender inclusive format
Most women prefer to get information directly from their midwife over other sources (4). Clue Pregnancy mode brings this information to your fingertips. It's likely that this knowledge will influence your health decisions (5), so it’s important that it’s accurate. It’s not meant to replace the care of your provider, but rather to empower you during your pregnancy.
How to find Clue Pregnancy mode
What’s included in Clue Pregnancy mode?
Track your pregnancy
Clue Pregnancy mode has many of the same tracking categories you love, plus additional categories designed especially for pregnancy. You might be interested in tracking your body's changes, like increased smell, taste, orgasms, and pregnancy glow. You can also track the ways you're not feeling like yourself—if you're vomiting, have changes in your appetite, aversions, cravings, or heartburn. There’s space to track the challenges of pregnancy, like achy breasts, round ligament pain, or frequent urination. You can track the exciting moments, too, like feeling fetal movement or bonding with your fetus.
Read about your fetus’ progress
You can read about how you and your fetus are changing as your pregnancy progresses. You can also learn what’s happening in your body, from which hormones are shifting, to which organs and systems are changing, to what tests to expect at your next appointment. You’ll get weekly updates on the development of your fetus, including typical length, weight, and developmental milestones. You also get expanded content week-to-week that walks you through your body’s weekly changes through each trimester.
Use the mode to keep track of important changes you need to share with your healthcare provider, like your blood pressure, itchy skin, swelling, and sleep quality. Think of tracking in Clue Pregnancy mode like a pregnancy journal on your phone.

What’s different about Clue Pregnancy mode?
Mental health
Perinatal mood and affect disorders (PMADs) are the most common complication during pregnancy, impacting about 20-25% of pregnant and postpartum people. This rate is two times higher than the prevalence of depression in women in general (7). PMADs include depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and psychosis. About half of people who experience postpartum depression go undiagnosed (8). Although PMAD screening is recommended during and after pregnancy, many people aren’t screened at every visit (9).
Clue Pregnancy mode currently walks you through each week of pregnancy and the first six weeks postpartum. You’ll find information about your body’s recovery from pregnancy and birth, as well as tips for emotional wellbeing in the transition to parenthood. We’ve also outlined important milestones for your newborn and information to assist you with nursing. You can also track important changes in body and mind like postpartum bleeding, mood, pain, milk production, and breast changes. We recognize that postpartum extends for the first year after birth, and we are working to expand the postpartum experience through one year.
Different pregnancy outcomes
Not every pregnancy ends in the way you expect it to. We know that first trimester miscarriage occurs in about 10-25% of recognized pregnancies (11, 12). We also know that 1 in 100 pregnancies end in stillbirth (14). While we hope that your pregnancy will end in the way you desire, not speaking about these other outcomes won’t make them go away.
Additionally, many people experience pregnancy and decide not to parent. Whether that be one of the 600,000 people in the USA every year who experience abortion (15), or those who choose to adopt or be a surrogate.
All of the people who experience pregnancy, regardless of the outcome, deserve to be supported throughout. That’s why we include so many options after birth.
Gender inclusive
Clue Pregnancy mode was designed to include all pregnant people. Some people who don’t identify as women can become pregnant and birth (6). We recognize that pregnancy for a gender non-conforming or trans person may be a dysphoric experience, especially when many pregnancy providers do not have adequate training on trans pregnancy. When we refer to academic research that studied women, we say “women” but elsewhere, where we can be inclusive, we will say “pregnant people” to refer to all women, non-binary, and transgender people who can become pregnant.
Clue Pregnancy mode brings your midwife to your pocket
Clue Pregnancy mode was created with ALL pregnant people in mind. We can’t wait to hear what you think of it and how it supports your pregnancy experience. It is currently available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, French and Danish. You can find out more about pregnancy and the Clue Pregnancy mode on our Instagram or Twitter.
This article was originally published August 1, 2021.