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Sarah Toler, DNP, CNM

A photo of Sarah Toler, DNP, CNM
Science Writer

Dr. Sarah Toler is the Science Content Lead at Clue. She holds a Doctorate in Nursing Practice and is a Certified Nurse Midwife. She is an abortion advocate.

The phases and hormones of the menstrual cycle.
Menstrual Cycle

What is the menstrual cycle?

Understanding the cycle is important for your overall health. We break down the phases and hormones of the menstrual cycle.

Photo of 3 different women
Hormonal Birth Control

Can birth control help with mood, anxiety, and depression?

Some say hormonal birth control negatively affected their mood, making them feel depressed, anxious, or irritable. You may also hear...

An illustration of a woman swimming through a large pool with an IUD, condom, and the withdrawal method.
Non-Hormonal Birth Control

Here are all of your non-hormonal birth control options

There are a range of non-hormonal options that vary in cost, effectiveness, and duration.

Two bottles of soy milk
Diet & Exercise

Does eating soy affect your hormones?

What the research says about the effects of eating soy on cardiovascular health, breast cancer, sperm quality, testosterone, and more....

The ring, the pill, the IUD, the implant, the patch, and the shot
Hormonal Birth Control

Here are all of your hormonal birth control options

We looked into the research to find out about the side effects, risks, and benefits of the implant, the intrauterine...

An animation of an IUD-umbrella blocking rainfall.
Birth Control

How do IUDs prevent pregnancy?

What the latest research says about how the hormonal IUD and the copper IUD work.

Two men with a pack of birth control pills
Hormonal Birth Control

Why isn’t there a hormonal birth control for cis men?

Men are more willing than ever to take hormonal contraception. Here’s what the latest research says about innovations in male...

A birth control pack
Hormones & Your Cycle

What you should know about hormones

Hormones are the messengers of the body, telling it how to breathe and grow.


How to relieve PMS symptoms

The best way to work around PMS is to figure out your unique patterns.

Banner image for 'How to track your feelings in Clue'
Mind, mood & emotions

How to track your feelings in Clue

Track your feelings with Clue to see how your mood changes across the cycle

Photo of a middle-aged woman
Trying to Conceive

How old is too old to have a baby?

If you are 35 or older, it’s likely that what you’ve read on the internet or heard from friends might...

Spotting vs light period

What is spotting? Common causes and how to track it

How, when, and why does spotting happen? Is it different than light bleeding before and after your period?

An image of a pregnant person with their hands on their belly

What it's like to be pregnant as a transmasculine person

Masculine people have been pregnant and birthing as long as there have been people. In reality, my relationship with my...

Birth Control

What is contraceptive access?

Access to birth control should be convenient, affordable, and personalized. Because this isn’t the case for everyone, it’s important to...

Collage-style design, of people diving and swimming
Diet & Exercise

Can you swim on your period? Swimmers weigh in

It’s common to worry about whether you can swim on your period, Clue has all your questions answered.


Period bloating 101

Period bloating is a common symptom of PMS

Illustrations of a pregnancy test and Clue app with a "period late" notification

Am I having a miscarriage?

When a miscarriage occurs very early in pregnancy, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a miscarriage and...


Safer sex 101

Our tips on how to prevent STIs


Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about endometriosis

A guide to endometriosis, its symptoms, and treatments

Birth Control

When is emergency contraception most effective?

There is a lot of confusion around the use and effectiveness of emergency contraception.

Non-Hormonal Birth Control

Condoms: common questions and misconceptions

Are condoms effective? Are they always necessary? What is the correct way to put one on? Even if you’re not...

Trying to Conceive

Introducing: Clue Conceive

When your reproductive plans change, it’s common to feel unsure of where or how to start. That’s why we’ve created...

An illustration of different ovulation test formats.
Trying to Conceive

How to use ovulation prediction tests

Have you ever heard of ovulation prediction tests? If you’re trying to conceive, they could be a valuable tool for...

An arm wearing a ticking watch with blood drops.

What’s “normal”?: menstrual cycle length and variation

The menstrual cycle is more than just your period—it’s the rhythmic changes of the your reproductive system.

Trying to Conceive

Egg freezing 101

There are many different reasons why someone would consider undergoing egg freezing. Unlike embryo freezing (embryo cryopreservation), egg freezing doesn’t...

Trying to Conceive

How soon can I take a pregnancy test?

If you’re trying to conceive, pregnancy tests are likely part of your routine. But how will you know when to...


Clue Pregnancy Mode

The science-based pregnancy mode designed for all pregnant people

Trying to Conceive

Can I conceive if my cycle is irregular?

While unpredictable cycles can make it harder to predict ovulation, it is possible.

Menstrual Cycle

Cycle tracking puts you in charge

Clue’s Chief Medical Officer, Lynae Brayboy, shares six ways tracking with Clue can really help you–and others.

Photo of a runny panty
Your Vagina

What is vaginal discharge and how does it change across the cycle?

The quality, consistency, and volume of cervical fluid types changes along with the menstrual cycle.

Illustrations of couples talking about sexual consent
Dating & Partnership

8 things to know about sexual consent

Even if you’ve heard of sexual consent, you might be unsure of how to give it or ask for it....

Illustration of a heart in tons of orange

What to expect after a miscarriage

Miscarriage is a common pregnancy outcome, but that doesn’t make it any easier to experience. This article will help you...

Trying to Conceive

What sex ed got wrong about conception

Sex education has been a part of school curriculums in the United States and other parts of the world for...

Trying to Conceive

When should I see a fertility specialist?

When you first start trying to conceive, you may wonder: do I need to see a healthcare provider? If you...

Trying to Conceive

Can tracking ovulation pain help you conceive?

Using it as a way to time sex with ovulation when trying to conceive could be helpful for some.

Trying to Conceive

Does tracking basal body temperature predict ovulation?

Basal body temperature (BBT) is the body’s temperature at rest . Changes in BBT can identify when ovulation has happened....

Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum

What to expect after birth as a surrogate

Birthing as a surrogate comes with unique feelings, challenges, and health concerns. You may find it comforting that despite its...

Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum

Sex, fertility, and contraception after birth

If you’re not sure how long to wait to have sex after birth, when to start birth control, or what...


What is actually considered an abortion?

While different governments might have specific legal definitions for abortion, miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy, it’s important to understand that these...

A group of people hold a sign that says: "Legal abortions"

Abortion is healthcare

Access to safe, timely abortions is essential to the health of anyone who can become pregnant. Restrictive laws don’t stop...


My wanted pregnancies ended in abortion

I share my personal story because the reversal of Roe v. Wade ruling impacts abortion as healthcare in many different...

About Clue

How Clue is beating stress at work

Clue supports over 12 million people with their menstrual health — including Clue employees. To keep Clue employees healthy and...


What to do if you need an abortion

Depending on the state or country in which you live, it might be important to take precautions when searching for...

uterus illustration

What is a period? Menstruation 101

Why do we get periods, anyway?

ilustration of three uteriblue and red

What causes a miscarriage?

Understanding why and how frequently miscarriage occurs can help people process the experience.  

illustrated group of sperms crossing
Non-Hormonal Birth Control

What's up with pulling out?

The pull out method has some significant downsides. So, what is withdrawal and how effective is it? Let’s look at...

Animated GIF of flamingos, birds know for having bissexual habits

Bisexuality 101

Understand a little more the "B" of LGBTQIA

Science textbook book with items floating out of it, dna, microscope, gears, magnifying glass
About Clue

“Alternative” approaches to health: How we think about health information at Clue

We sometimes get emails asking why we collaborate with naturopaths for our online content. It's a fair question.

Pumpkin seeds and almonds on top of granola, in a glass of milk.