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Ijeoma Unachukwu, M.S.

A photo of Ijeoma Unachukwu, M.S.
Guest Writer

Ijeoma Unachukwu is a medical student at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and is very passionate about health disparities and the way society and culture shape our personal health. When she's not fervently studying or working in the hospital, she enjoys running, a really good book, and reality TV.

Skin & Hair

Watching my mother lose her hair during menopause made both of us stronger

The effects of menopause are different for each woman and are primarily caused by drops in estrogen, when the menstrual...

Trying to Conceive

When should I see a fertility specialist?

When you first start trying to conceive, you may wonder: do I need to see a healthcare provider? If you...

Dating & Partnership

No glove, no love: condom negotiation and common excuses

Condoms are very effective at preventing pregnancy and the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). They are a great birth...