Your Clue data is always protected
Data privacy is not a talking point for us. It’s personal.
Sua Privacidade
Ao acessar nosso site, você consente que o Clue pode usar cookies e serviços de terceiros, e coletar seus dados de uso através de um identificador único para monitorar, analisar e melhorar nosso site, e propósitos de personalização (como mostrar a você conteúdo relevante do Clue).
Leia mais em nossa Política de Privacidade sobre como usamos cookies.
Data privacy is not a talking point for us. It’s personal.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University conducted the biggest study of its kind using Clue data.
Anyone who purchases Active Iron will receive a one year subscription for Clue Plus.
Nossa diretora de produtos, Rhiannon White, sucede Audrey Tsang como CEO
We’ve teamed up with Headspace to give you more tools to manage mental health throughout your cycle.
Everyone deserves reproductive healthcare and autonomy–without shame, judgment, or political interference.
Ao monitorar no Clue, você contribui para um conjunto de dados sem precedentes que está abrindo caminhos para a compreensão...
O Clue fez uma parceria com a Fundação Gates em um estudo inédito sobre sangramento menstrual intenso.
“It’s a privilege to have the opportunity to be part of a company that drives such a meaningful impact.”
Inequity persists because so much of the female health experience is invisible. Data can change that.
Não é coisa da sua cabeça. Os dados confirmam.
Clue’s tracking combined with biometrics from ŌURA will enable users to take charge of their health.
Aplicativos custam dinheiro para serem desenvolvidos e para funcionar, então se você não está pagando, alguém está. Como isso funciona?...
I am so grateful for the years I got to dedicate to Clue, the hardest and most important work of...
Nunca divulgamos dados de saúde a nenhuma autoridade, e nunca o faremos.
Own equity in Clue, share in our future success, and get access to exclusive tiered perks and rewards.
Why the recent changes were necessary, how we prioritize features, and why we’re excited for the future.
A great place to start is by backing female entrepreneurs and female-led teams.
Novas opções de monitoramento e experiência aprimorada de navegação
Clue brings science and evidence-based insights to millions of people around the world with the help of a diverse group...
The recent overturning of Roe vs Wade has not only changed the landscape of reproductive rights in the US, it...
É nosso trabalho manter seguro tudo o que você monitora no Clue.
While we navigate this new reality, we promise to squarely face the challenges it brings, to listen and do everything...
Nós não vendemos seus dados, nós os protegemos e eles não serão divulgados.
Um assinatura do Clue Plus não traz apenas recursos extras: você também financia pesquisas científicas, apoia a privacidade da informação...
Clue supports over 12 million people with their menstrual health — including Clue employees. To keep Clue employees healthy and...
For this Pride month, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on why some of our employees are proud...
We’re joining the UN’s Generation Equality initiative to contribute to the global effort for gender equality.
In recognition of #NIAW2021, and the people with periods and their partners who experience infertility, we hosted a webinar with...
I am proud to announce that Carrie Walter, formerly Clue’s General Counsel, and Audrey Tsang, formerly Clue’s Chief Product Officer,...
Diversity, equity and inclusion are not end states. Like all real values, they are living concepts to which we must...
O Clue agora tem uma Diretora Médica focada em fortalecer nosso trabalho com pesquisas científicas sobre saúde feminina e reprodutiva.
Getting an app like Clue up and running is no small feat. Clue's CEO Ida Tin explains what's going on...
We don't make money from selling your personal health data—we choose the alternative. You can help support us by subscribing...
Nunca vendemos e nunca venderemos os dados que você monitora no Clue.
O Clue app é o único app de monitoramento e calendário menstrual signatário da Aliança pela Saúde e pelos Direitos...
Everything you need to know if you’re visiting us in Berlin.
At Clue, we prize openness and transparency—that’s why we’re publishing information about how and why we publish content.
É um tópico delicado.
5 razões elencadas pela co-fundadora do Clue, Ida Tin, para você monitorar a sua menstruação.
Impress your friends and family with these menstrual and reproductive health facts.
People deserve a different kind of online resource: a place where menstrual and reproductive health is taken seriously and with...
We sometimes get emails asking why we collaborate with naturopaths for our online content. It's a fair question.
In 2009, I sat with an old phone in my hand — the kind with a small screen and actual buttons
The Clue team has worked hard to be recognized as a leader in the scientific approach to tracking.
Data privacy is not a talking point for us. It’s personal.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University conducted the biggest study of its kind using Clue data.
Anyone who purchases Active Iron will receive a one year subscription for Clue Plus.
Nossa diretora de produtos, Rhiannon White, sucede Audrey Tsang como CEO
We’ve teamed up with Headspace to give you more tools to manage mental health throughout your cycle.
Everyone deserves reproductive healthcare and autonomy–without shame, judgment, or political interference.
Ao monitorar no Clue, você contribui para um conjunto de dados sem precedentes que está abrindo caminhos para a compreensão...
O Clue fez uma parceria com a Fundação Gates em um estudo inédito sobre sangramento menstrual intenso.
“It’s a privilege to have the opportunity to be part of a company that drives such a meaningful impact.”
Inequity persists because so much of the female health experience is invisible. Data can change that.
Não é coisa da sua cabeça. Os dados confirmam.
Clue’s tracking combined with biometrics from ŌURA will enable users to take charge of their health.
Aplicativos custam dinheiro para serem desenvolvidos e para funcionar, então se você não está pagando, alguém está. Como isso funciona?...
I am so grateful for the years I got to dedicate to Clue, the hardest and most important work of...
Nunca divulgamos dados de saúde a nenhuma autoridade, e nunca o faremos.
Own equity in Clue, share in our future success, and get access to exclusive tiered perks and rewards.
Why the recent changes were necessary, how we prioritize features, and why we’re excited for the future.
A great place to start is by backing female entrepreneurs and female-led teams.
Novas opções de monitoramento e experiência aprimorada de navegação
Clue brings science and evidence-based insights to millions of people around the world with the help of a diverse group...
The recent overturning of Roe vs Wade has not only changed the landscape of reproductive rights in the US, it...
É nosso trabalho manter seguro tudo o que você monitora no Clue.
While we navigate this new reality, we promise to squarely face the challenges it brings, to listen and do everything...
Nós não vendemos seus dados, nós os protegemos e eles não serão divulgados.
Um assinatura do Clue Plus não traz apenas recursos extras: você também financia pesquisas científicas, apoia a privacidade da informação...
Clue supports over 12 million people with their menstrual health — including Clue employees. To keep Clue employees healthy and...
For this Pride month, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on why some of our employees are proud...
We’re joining the UN’s Generation Equality initiative to contribute to the global effort for gender equality.
In recognition of #NIAW2021, and the people with periods and their partners who experience infertility, we hosted a webinar with...
I am proud to announce that Carrie Walter, formerly Clue’s General Counsel, and Audrey Tsang, formerly Clue’s Chief Product Officer,...
Diversity, equity and inclusion are not end states. Like all real values, they are living concepts to which we must...
O Clue agora tem uma Diretora Médica focada em fortalecer nosso trabalho com pesquisas científicas sobre saúde feminina e reprodutiva.
Getting an app like Clue up and running is no small feat. Clue's CEO Ida Tin explains what's going on...
We don't make money from selling your personal health data—we choose the alternative. You can help support us by subscribing...
Nunca vendemos e nunca venderemos os dados que você monitora no Clue.
O Clue app é o único app de monitoramento e calendário menstrual signatário da Aliança pela Saúde e pelos Direitos...
Everything you need to know if you’re visiting us in Berlin.
At Clue, we prize openness and transparency—that’s why we’re publishing information about how and why we publish content.
É um tópico delicado.
5 razões elencadas pela co-fundadora do Clue, Ida Tin, para você monitorar a sua menstruação.
Impress your friends and family with these menstrual and reproductive health facts.
People deserve a different kind of online resource: a place where menstrual and reproductive health is taken seriously and with...
We sometimes get emails asking why we collaborate with naturopaths for our online content. It's a fair question.
In 2009, I sat with an old phone in my hand — the kind with a small screen and actual buttons