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Illustration by Marta Pucci

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Introducing Clue’s Medical Advisory Board

Clue’s app is created together with healthcare professionals and researchers

At Clue, our goal is to bring science and evidence-based insights to millions of people around the world in order to remove stigmas, myths and taboos around menstrual and reproductive health.

One of the ways in which we accomplish this goal is by partnering with scientific and medical institutions on research projects, but also with a diverse group of medical experts who make up Clue’s Medical Advisory Board. 

These experts come from a range of medical specialities, give valuable insights on our products, and work across the medical field to educate the industry on digital health (mHealth) solutions. 

We’re delighted to introduce the experts that support us in helping women and people with cycles around the world understand their health. 

  • Amber Johnson MD, MS, MBA FACC: Physician-researcher cardiologist at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center; Drafted American Heart Association scientific statements

  • Anne Flynn MD, MSHP: Gynecology, Complex Family Planning Specialist

  • Aparna Sridhar MD, FACOG MPH: OB-GYN with Complex Family Planning Specialist, Chair of International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Contraception Committee

  • Heather Woolery-Lloyd MD, FAAD: Dermatologist; Director of the Skin of Color Division at University of Miami; Social media content creator and tech entrepreneur

  • Kristin E. Rojas MD, FACS, FACOG: Breast Surgical Oncologist and Gynecologic Surgeon; Director of the MUSIC™ Sexual Health After Cancer Program 

  • Laura Hatzler, MDL: OB-GYN and Female Sexual Medicine, Charité

  • Leo Han MD, MPH: OB-GYN, complex family planning/non-hormonal contraception researcher at OHSU

  • Malcolm G Munro MD, FACOG: General OB-GYN with interest in AUB Chair of the Women's Health Research Collaborative (WHrC), and Immediate Past Chair of International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) committee for menstrual disorders 

  • Michelle Griffin MB BChir MA(Cantab) MRCOG DFSRH: Menopause specialist; Gynaecology and healthcare strategy

  • Monique Gary DO, MSc, FACS: Clinical Director Breast Surgery with interest breast cancer patient education; a speaker for Susan G. Komen Foundation

  • Paula J. Hillard MD, FACOG: Pediatric-Adolescent Gyn; Past president of the North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology.

  • Sara Saeed Khurram MD: Founder and CEO of all-female health provider telemedicine platform in Pakistan

  • Tomer Singer, MD: OB-GYN/REI Medical Director at Shady Grove New York

We’re proud to partner with these experts to create an evidence-based mHealth solution millions around the world can trust. 

To reach one of our experts as a source for the media, please contact

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ilustração da flor do Clue app

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