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Jen Bell, PhD

Une photo de Jen Bell, PhD
Écrivaine chez Clue

Als Autorin bei Clue hat Jen sich besonders mit LGBTQIA+ Themen, Sex und Popkultur beschäftigt.

Contraception sans hormones

Préservatifs : les questions et idées reçues les plus fréquentes

Même si ce n'est pas vous qui le portez, il est bon d'avoir des réponses.

illustrations in orange of a chocolate bar, a hot water bottle, and a mug of tea

Comment soutenir les personnes trans pendant leurs règles ?

Les règles peuvent être pénibles, surtout lorsqu'elles provoquent une dysphorie de genre, mais le soutien d'une personne chère peut être...

le symbole transgenre en bleu sarcelle avec une goutte de sang rouge au milieu du cercle

Ce que ça fait d'avoir ses règles quand on est trans

Voici ce que les personnes trans, genderqueer et non binaire disent

Image of condoms, a thermometer, and lubricant.

Est-il possible de tomber enceint·e de cette manière ?

Il existe de nombreux mythes et idées reçues sur la manière de tomber enceint·e.


Les bases pour une sexualité plus protégée

Les STI sont très courantes --- protégez-vous en suivant ces conseils.

Two hands, one holds a smart phone, and the other taps a square button on the screen

Comment suivre les symptômes de l'endométriose avec Clue

Symptômes courants de l'endométriose et comment les suivre avec Clue app


Pourquoi les hommes trans, les personnes non binaires et genderqueer ont recours à la contraception

Retours d'expériences et conseils sur la contraception par des personnes qui ne sont pas des femmes.

A person with short blonde hair frowns while looking at their phone.

Tracking your period can help you understand PMS symptoms. Here’s how

Tracking symptoms throughout your menstrual cycle can help you understand your experience of PMS.

Illustration de trois personnes ayant leurs règles
Cycle Menstruel

Les règles se synchronisent-elles ?

Des couples lesbiens, queer et trans répondent à nos recherches sur la synchronisation menstruelle

Le fluide est éjecté avec force.

Parlons des émissions fontaine : Pourquoi est-ce important, et qu'est-ce qu’on ressent ?

L'éjaculation est une expérience corporelle puissante qui a longtemps été associée au pénis et à la sexualité masculine.

Photograph of historian Helen King

What was it like to get your period in ancient Greece?

Were the first tampons made of wood? Where does the phrase “on the rag” come from? Historian Helen King has...

Screenshots of Clue held by colorful illustrated hands
Comment utiliser Clue

Clue’s top 5 period tracking tips

Ilaria from our support team shares her insider tips for getting the most out of the Clue app.

The phrase "gender equality" translated in Chinese, Polish, Spanish, Hindi and Danish, on a changing color background.
Vie & Culture

Internationally inclusive: keeping Clue gender-neutral in several languages

Gender-inclusivity is an important part of what we do at Clue. We asked our translators: “What does it mean to...

An image of a white person's hand holding a smartphone with Clue's cycle view visible.
Comment utiliser Clue

Next level period tracking: 5 more tips for tracking your period in Clue

Ilaria from our Support team shares more tips for getting the most out of Clue.

Three speech bubbles: one containing a virus, one a heart, and one a condom

How to tell your partner you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI)

There’s a lot of misinformation and stigma about STIs, and they can be uncomfortable to discuss. But we need to...


Masturbation myths

Can masturbating cause any health problems? Can it make you lose your virginity?

Parlez des ballons avec le sang menstruel et l'arc-en-ciel du mouvement LGBTQIA+
Égalité des Genres

Parler des règles au-delà du genre

Le langage que nous utilisons est important.

Portraits of Melina Gaze (with short bleached hair, brown eyes and wearing a leopard print top) and Dr. Sara C. Flowers (with brown hair, brown eyes, wearing red lipstick and smiling)
Égalité des Genres

How to make sex education more inclusive

Sex education can help us make decisions, but only when taught in a way that is relevant to our individual...

Chella Quint of #periodpositive.

Meet #periodpositive comedian Chella Quint

Can jokes about periods be empowering? We caught up with zine-maker, teacher and #periodpositive comedian Chella Quint ahead of her...


7 perfect podcasts for your period

People are making awesome podcasts about all kinds of things — yes, even menstruation. Here are some of our top picks.

Photo of a pad from the top with blue liquid on it, on a blue background
two young women sitting on a sofa playing video games and having fun while starring at a screen and holding the console controllers in their hands
A hand holds a smartphone, showing a period tracker on screen. The transgender flag is in the background.
yellow gender icon on top of a clip board
Three speech bubbles showing endometriosis tissue, the transgender symbol, and lightning bolts and stars to suggest pain

Managing endometriosis when you’re trans

Transgender and non-binary people with endometriosis share their experiences and advice.

photo of a colouring book title the adventures of toni the tampon
two intertwined menstruation circles with two hearts in the center

The best things about dating someone who also has a period

There are many stereotypes about romance between two people with menstrual cycles. We reached out to lesbians, transgender and queer...

illustration of a tent in front of a mountain and a giant wheel
illustration of  clean white panties and bacteria moving toward it
A blinking eye inside a heart shape
Dating & Relations

We asked 64,000 women what they look for in a partner. The most important thing? Kindness.

The results of the Ideal Partner Survey — a collaboration between Clue, the University of Göttingen and MyONE Condoms.

A photo of the Clue office space showing a colorful wall decorated with the Clue logo, a bookshelf, and three armchairs.
À propos de Clue

Accessibility guide to the Clue office

Everything you need to know if you’re visiting us in Berlin.