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Illustration of a pair of legs and a person holding a mirror to inspect their genitals.

Illustration by Marta Pucci

Reading time: 8 min

Genital warts 101

Top things to know

  • Genital warts can present in many shapes and sizes—from large lumpy plaques, to small singular bumps
  • Even if genital warts are not visible, it does not mean a person doesn’t have them. Some warts may be internal (like within the vagina or anus), while other people may carry the virus without showing symptoms
  • Two strains of the human papillomavirus—HPV 6 and HPV 11—are responsible for most cases of genital warts
  • Treatments include at-home topical medications or removal by a healthcare provider

What are genital warts?

Genital warts are a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV). HPV is a very common virus with over 100 strains (5). Some strains can cause cancerous changes, while others cause no physical symptoms and resolve themselves (4,19).

Two strains of HPV in particular—HPV 6 and HPV 11—are responsible for about 9 out of 10 cases of genital warts (8,9).

Genital warts may also be known by other names such as genitoanal warts, anogenital warts, or condylomata acuminata.

What are the symptoms of genital warts?

Not everyone who has been infected with these strains of HPV will have genital warts. Often people who carry the strains have no symptoms (5). For those who do have symptoms, genital warts come in many shapes, sizes, and presentations.


Genital warts can be small, large, singular, or in clumps.

Warts are usually non-pigmented (meaning that they are the same color as the surrounding skin), but sometimes can present in many different colors, such as pink to red to brown, grey, and white (14).

They often appear in groups of 5–15 warts which are 1–5 mm (0.04–0.2 in) each in diameter (14). They may resemble cauliflower, and are often found on moist areas around the genitals and anus, or inside the vagina and the cervix (14,7). Other types of genital warts look more like regular warts (a bump with thickened skin) and are usually on dry skin. Other genital warts appear smooth and flat, and some are difficult to even see (7).


Genital warts do not usually cause pain or discomfort. Sometimes they can be itchy, bleed, or make sex painful (14).


Genital warts can be both external or internal. External genital warts appear on people of all genders, such as on the vulva, labia, pubis, glans clitoris, entrance to the urethra, perineum (the area between the genitals and the anus), penis, scrotum, and around the entrance to the anus (7,8,14). If someone suspects that they have genital warts, using a handheld mirror can be helpful to check difficult to see areas.

Other times genital warts can also be present inside of the body, such as in the vagina, the cervix, the inner side of the labia, and inside of the anal canal (7,8,14).

How are genital warts spread?

If a person develops genital warts, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they got them from their most recent partner. It can take months or even years from contracting HPV until wart symptoms actually present (8).

HPV is spread through contact with infected skin and mucous membranes (the soft moist skin present at the openings of your genitals and mouth). This means that warts are usually spread through sex, including penis-in-vagina sex, anal sex, genital-to-genital contact, and oral sex. Genital warts are highly contagious, so even without penetrative sex, HPV can be spread from one person to another (5).

Even if a person does not have any visible genital warts, this does not necessarily mean that they are wart-free (8). People infected can still spread the virus even without any warts present.

How common are genital warts?

HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the United States (6,2) and the world (5).

HPV is extremely common—in the United States, most sexually active people will get at least one strain of HPV during their lifetime (11).

Since genital warts are not considered a reportable disease to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) it is difficult to estimate how many people actually have genital warts across the United States.

How can I prevent genital warts?

Using a barrier device (like a condom or a dental dam) can help prevent the spread of genital warts. However, if someone’s warts are outside of where the condom covers (like on the scrotum or base of the penis) and skin contact occurs, genital warts can be spread to the partner. Even when no genital warts are present, HPV can still be present on the skin and spread during sexual contact.


There are currently vaccinations available that protect against certain strains of HPV that cause cervical cancer (like HPV 16 and 18). One type also protects against HPV 6 and 11, which cause most cases of genital warts. These vaccinations are becoming more common and are recommended for adolescents and young adults (5,18). These vaccines do not treat existing HPV infections, and are most protective when administered before becoming sexually active. Speak to your healthcare provider to learn if an HPV vaccination is right for you.

How are genital warts diagnosed?

Genital warts are usually diagnosed by visual inspection during a pelvic exam (8). Sometimes a healthcare provider may take a biopsy (a small sample of the wart) and send it off to the lab for confirmation (8).

If diagnosed, it is important to get current sexual partners also assessed by a healthcare practitioner, as well as to notify previous sexual partners, from at least the last 6 months (14).

Being diagnosed with genital warts, like being diagnosed with any STI, can have negative psychological effects. Having genital warts can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and feelings of decreased quality of life, especially around the time of first diagnosis (13).

How are genital warts treated?

The goals of treatment for genital warts are to remove the wart(s) and reduce any symptoms (8). The type of treatment for warts depends on many factors, including size, shape, location, cost, and the preferences of the patient and healthcare provider (8).

Do not use over the counter wart treatment products. These are designed for different types of warts on thicker-skinned areas (like the soles of the feet) and should not be used on the genitals, which are much more sensitive.

Self-applied treatments

Some people are prescribed topical medications that are applied on the warts for a specified period of time (usually weeks or months). This type of treatment comes with instructions and follow-up visits to the healthcare provider (8).

Healthcare provider treatments

In some cases, healthcare providers need to apply treatment themselves in a clinical setting. These treatments can include cryotherapy (freezing warts with liquid nitrogen), electrocautery (heat generated through electricity), laser removal, surgical removal, or application of chemical therapy (8).

Sometimes genital warts may reappear after they have already been treated—this is common within the first 3 months (8). While treatment for warts is not a cure, given enough time, a healthy body will usually resolve the infection on its own.

Sometimes genital warts go away on their own when left untreated, while other times they stay the same, or even increase in number and size. There is no “one size fits all” treatment.

Special cases and additional information


When DNA from human papillomavirus is measured from samples of genital warts, sometimes more than one type of HPV shows up. About a third of HPV strains found from genital wart biopsies can also contain high-risk, cancer-causing HPV strains (12).

This is why it is important to always get diagnosis and treatment from a professional, especially if the warts are bleeding, very firm or hard to the touch, or sores (14). If left untreated, these high risk strains can cause cancer of the vulva, anus, or penis (14).


People who smoke cigarettes are more likely to have, or acquire, genital warts (16). Smoking cigarettes is also associated with a recurrence of genital warts (16).


People who are a lowered immune system (like with HIV, diabetes, or undergoing immunosuppressive therapy) may be more likely to contract and develop genital warts, and additionally may be harder to treat (14,8).

Remember, not all bumps on the genitals are due to genital warts. Some small bumps are normal body variations, while other can be caused by skin infections, or by STIs such as genital herpes. When in doubt, talk to a healthcare provider.

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