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Art: Emma Günther

Temps de lecture : 2 min

What do men *actually* know about the menstrual cycle?

We teamed up with ROE v BROS to test guys on their basic knowledge of the menstrual cycle.

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From the people who brought you the man who thought the hymen was “a maneuver”, the guy who proudly proclaimed, “Humans don’t lay eggs!” and the chaps who were convinced you can’t pee with a tampon in, comes a special-edition episode of ROE v BROS in collaboration with Clue. 

ROE v BROS is the social game show that tests how much men really know about women’s bodies. In this episode, we wanted to know: How much do men *actually* know about the menstrual cycle specifically? 

Warning: it’s funny until it’s not.

Here at Clue we’ve made it our mission to break down barriers and taboos around menstrual health – and we can’t do that without including men in the conversation. Understanding the basics and having an appreciation of the physical and emotional changes that can happen during the menstrual cycle helps couples, friends, and family support each other better.

Clue Connect (available with a Clue Plus subscription) enables you to share your cycle with a partner to help open up the conversation and to share the responsibility of understanding reproductive health. 

Try Clue Connect

Use voucher code ROE-VBR-OS1 to get free access to Clue Plus for 12 months*. Copy the code and then tap here to redeem. 

PS: If you have any bros in your life, or anyone else who needs to know, we recommend sharing this article that explains everything about the menstrual cycle (it’s so much more than just a period). 

*Note: The Clue Plus voucher is only valid for one use per account, and limited to the first 1000 unique redemptions.

une illustration de la fleur de Clue
une illustration de la fleur de Clue

Live in sync with your cycle and download the Clue app today.

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Vivez en symbiose avec votre cycle en téléchargeant l'app Clue maintenant.