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24 de noviembre de 2020 - 12:30

Reproductive Health Care via Telemedicine

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About Clue

Clue is a period tracking app, a trusted menstrual health resource, and a thought leader in femtech. By combining science and technology, we are actively changing the way people learn, access, and talk about menstrual and reproductive health around the world.

  • Descargar la aplicación de Clue en la App Store
  • Descargar la aplicación de Clue en la Play Store

About Clue

an image of 3 screens of the Clue app
An image with an orange background and a woman holding a phone
An image of two women sat at a breakfast table looking at a phone
an image of two women lying on a bed looking at a phone

Our app helps everyone who menstruates to understand their bodies - and to be empowered by that knowledge -- through every stage of life. We encourage individuals to use their own data when speaking to their providers about their health and constantly strive to make our app Clue inclusive, accessible, innovative, and enducational for all.


de personas usan Clue mensualmente


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Ilustración de una calificación de cinco estrellas


Ilustración de una calificación de cinco estrellas

2M+ calificaciones


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AWHONN 2022 Convention

June 25-29, 2022

AWHONN 2022 Convention

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25th Annual NPWH Women's Healthcare Conference

September 29 - October 2, 2022

25th Annual NPWH Women's Healthcare Conference

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ACNM 67th Annual Meeting & Exhibition

May 21 – 25, 2022

ACNM 67th Annual Meeting & Exhibition

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SRI — 68th Annual Meeting

July 06 - 09, 2021

SRI — 68th Annual Meeting

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ACNM 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition

May 23 - 25, 2021

ACNM 66th Annual Meeting & Exhibition

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NFPRHA’s 2021 National Conference

April 12 - 14, 2021

NFPRHA’s 2021 National Conference

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ACOG Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting

April 30 - May 02, 2021

ACOG Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting

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The American Academy of Family Physicians FMX conference

October 13-17, 2020

The American Academy of Family Physicians FMX conference

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The Society for Family Planning

October 9-10, 2020

The Society for Family Planning

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Educational articles

Curated evidence-based patient information, free and available on helloclue.com


11 de septiembre de 2020

Mobile sex-tech apps: How use differs across global areas of high and low gender equality.

Amanda Gesselman, Anna Druet, Virginia J Vitzthum

Plos One

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14 de mayo de 2020

Characterizing physiological and symptomatic variation in menstrual cycles using self-tracked mobile health data

Kathy Li, Inigo Urteaga, Chris H. Wiggins, Anna Druet, Amanda Shea, Virginia J Vitzthum, Noemie Elhadad

Nature Digital Medicine

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14 de mayo de 2020

A Cross-Country Comparison of Reasons for Condom Use during Menses: Associations with Age and Gender Inequality

Cynthia A. Graham, Richard A. Crosby, Stephanie A. Sanders, Virginia J. Vitzthum, Robin R. Milhausen, William L. Yarber

International Journal of Sexual Health.

Click to open publication in new tab

14 de mayo de 2020

Identifying women at risk for polycystic ovary syndrome using a mobile health application: a virtual tool functionality assessment

Erika Rodriguez, Daniel Thomas, Anna Druet, Marija Vlajic Wheeler, Kevin Lane, Shruthi Mahalingaiah

Journal of Medical Internet Research

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An image with an orange background and a woman holding a phone
An image with an orange background and a woman holding a phone

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Top Publications

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Meet Audrey Tsang & Carrie Walter, Co-CEO’s of Menstrual Health Resource: Clue

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The entrepreneur who coined the term 'FemTech' founded a period tracking app that's helping women understand and accept their bodies

junio de 2020

agosto de 2020


Why you should track your period to learn more about your body

agosto de 2020

octubre de 2020


How period-tracking apps like Clue can help you understand your body better

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List: Europe’s top femtech startups 2020

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Financial Times

After years of neglect, femtech is getting a substantial investment

Financial Times
marzo de 2020

septiembre de 2020

Business Insider

Business Insider logo

100 people transforming business

Business Insider
septiembre de 2020

marzo de 2019


Quartz logo

Are fertility- and period-tracking apps feminist?

marzo de 2019

noviembre de 2019

Business Insider

Business Insider logo

A study of 68,000 people determined what men and women look for most in a casual partner, and it's not intelligence or kindness

Business Insider
noviembre de 2019

junio de 2019


STAT magazine logo

This period-tracking app company is trying to help scientists study the effects of weather, seasons, and exercise on fertility

junio de 2019

julio de 2019

The Verge

The Verge Logo


The Verge
julio de 2019