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Illustrations by Emma Günther

Tiempo de lectura: 2 min

What's new with Clue: Sex tracking

And why tracking your sex life can give you new insights into your reproductive health and wellness.

You asked. We listened. The newly designed Clue app just gave sex-tracking a whole new dimension with expanded features.

Now called “Sex Life” in the app, users can access 12 different tracking options. Sex may mean something different to everyone, and our needs and desires can change throughout our lifetime. The new update aims to address exactly this. We want users to feel seen and empowered when tracking their sexual experiences. Our tracking options are optimized to cover various individual experiences beyond reproductive sex. At Clue, we sometimes refer to this as penis-in-vagina (PIV) sex, or sex that can lead to pregnancy. 


Ilustración de una calificación de cinco estrellas

Track sexual activity, sex drive and more with Clue.

  • Descargar la aplicación de Clue en la App Store
  • Descargar la aplicación de Clue en la Play Store
imagen predeterminada

Based on community feedback, requests, and insights, the new Sex Life categories are designed to be inclusive of diverse experiences and preferences. New options include the ability to track: no sex today, low sex drive, masturbation, sex toys, orgasm, no orgasm, fantasies, and painful intercourse. 

Gif of new sex tracking category 'Sex life'

Tracking sex can be an important part of your sexual health for several reasons, even if you aren’t trying to become pregnant. With the option to track protected or unprotected sex, you can help identify your exposure to sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and early awareness of unplanned pregnancies. Remember that the only way to prevent STIs is to use protection with a barrier method during every sexual encounter. 

If you are interested in becoming pregnant, we have you covered with Clue Conceive. This mode (part of Clue Plus) provides science-based predictions for identifying your fertile days and can be an important tool when trying to time sex or insemination. 

With Clue, you can choose what you track and what's relevant to you, to gain a deeper understanding of your own body and unique patterns. We know your data is deeply personal and we take the responsibility to protect your privacy very seriously. We never have and never will sell your personal health data. You can read more about our commitment to data privacy here.

Tracking your sex life can be an insightful tool for understanding your reproductive health and wellness. Our goal is to give you a secure, trusted tracking tool that you can use as you want to, for your own self-discovery. 

As always, we want to create an inclusive and individualized user experience. Our Support Team is available to answer any questions you have while you explore our new and improved features.  

Check out more articles about sex here.

una ilustración de la flor de Clue
una ilustración de la flor de Clue

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