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Where does sperm fertilize the egg?

Clue did a Menstrual Cycle Quiz to find out how much people know about the menstrual cycle.

The first question is: Where does sperm fertilize the egg?

Tweet us if you knew the answer!

During ovulation, one of the ovaries releases and egg. The egg can be fertilized for up to 24 hours, as it journeys through the fallopian tube towards the uterus.

Sperm can live inside of your body for up to 7 days, depending on the health of the sperm, and the quality of your cervical fluid.

This means if you have unprotected sex, or use another form of insemination up to 7 days before ovulation, the sperm can survive long enough to potentially fertilize the egg, and pregnancy may result.

If the egg is not fertilized within a day of ovulation, it disintegrates and passes out of your uterus with your period (menstruation). This is your menstrual cycle!

Download Clue to track your period and learn more about your menstrual cycle.

eine Illustration der Clue-Blume
eine Illustration der Clue-Blume

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