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Photo: Zoe McArthur

Reading time: 2 min

Clue appoints new CEO

Our Chief Product Officer, Rhiannon White, succeeds Audrey Tsang as CEO

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The team at Clue are delighted to announce Rhiannon White, formerly Clue’s Chief Product Officer (CPO), has been appointed as the company’s new CEO, effective from 16 September 2024.

Rhiannon takes over from Audrey Tsang, who has stepped down after 6 years at Clue in order to focus on her family, as she embarks on an exciting new chapter with her first baby on the way.

“I have loved every minute of building a world-changing company with the incredible team at Clue and I cannot wait to see what they will achieve next. I know Rhiannon shares my ambitious vision for the global impact Clue can have, and I have every belief in her ability to lead Clue there,” says Audrey.

Rhiannon has been pivotal in Clue’s product and growth strategy, and in her 2.5 years in the CPO role, the company has doubled annual recurring revenue, tripled paying subscribers, and quadrupled its conversion rate.

A highly empathetic leader, Rhiannon has deep experience building world-class software products – and the teams that underpin them. Before joining Clue in Berlin in 2022, Rhiannon held product leadership roles at Shazam, Vend, and the BBC. 

Speaking about her appointment as Clue CEO, Rhiannon says:

“I am constantly inspired by our users, and feel that it is such an incredible privilege to be useful to them, in small or large ways. We have built a sustainable, growing business while also delivering on our mission to support women and people with cycles everywhere. We are now ready and eager to turbocharge that growth.”

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