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Clue and Active Iron partner to support menstrual health

Track your cycle and supplement intake for better health insights.

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We’re excited to announce that we’re working with Active Iron to help empower women and people with cycles to better understand and support their full-cycle health.

Through our partnership, anyone who purchases Active Iron during the promotional period will receive a one-year subscription for Clue Plus. With advanced tracking options, members are able to seamlessly track supplement intake along with menstrual and reproductive health indicators in the Clue app.

“Supporting women’s health is a top priority for us,” says Claire Lynch, Head of Marketing at Active Iron. “By combining Active Iron’s support in maintaining healthy iron and energy levels with Clue’s advanced tracking and health monitoring, individuals can access a powerful toolkit for managing their health goals.”

Iron is essential to many bodily processes, including blood building, energy production, and cognitive and immune function (1). When blood is lost every month during menstruation, the iron within those red blood cells is also lost. If iron intake from food is not enough to replace the iron lost during your period, some women may be susceptible to low iron levels and require iron supplementation. This is especially true for people with heavy periods.

Common signs of low iron include tiredness and fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and reduced immune function. Active Iron’s range of iron supplements are clinically proven to help combat menstrual fatigue and improve energy levels (2). Unlike many iron supplements, their unique formula is gentle on the stomach, helping to avoid common side effects such as nausea and constipation. Their range also includes specific formulations for different life stages including pregnancy.

Clue helps members monitor over 200 cycle-related experiences to uncover patterns and triggers that may impact energy, skin, hair, menstrual flow, and so much more.

Speaking on the importance of tracking, Noah Gefen, Growth & Partnerships Manager at Clue, says, “Tracking leads to data, data leads to insight, and insight empowers you to make informed health decisions based on what works for you and your unique body. We're excited that through this collaboration more women and people with cycles will be able to learn about the value of tracking to understand their bodies better and to monitor how they respond to health supplements like Active Iron.”

With Clue Plus, members can:

  • Track iron supplement intake alongside daily health data markers.

  • Add unlimited custom tags to personalize tracking.

  • Monitor and analyze menstrual bleeding, energy fluctuations, and other cycle-related physical and mental changes.

  • Identify patterns or correlations between cycle-related experiences and other factors, including supplement intake.

Learn more about Active Iron and the Clue collaboration here.

Do you suspect you have iron deficiency? Before taking any supplement, it is recommended to talk to your healthcare practitioner about your specific needs and concerns.

Food supplements are not a substitute for a balanced healthy diet.

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an illustration of the Clue flower

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