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How long can a menstrual cup be worn?

Clue did a Menstrual Cycle Quiz to find out how much people know about the menstrual cycle.

The question this time is: What's the maximum recommended amount of time you can wear a menstrual cup?

Tweet us if you knew the answer!

Menstrual cups are small flexible cups that you slip into your vagina during menstruation. Unlike tampons and pads, cups collect your period blood rather than absorbing it. It might seem a little gory, but a recent study showed that 9 in 10 people who tried a modern menstrual cup for three cycles said they preferred it to a tampon or pad. They may not be right for everyone, but they’re definitely worth trying.

Most menstrual cups can stay in for up to 12 hours before being emptied and rinsed.

This means you can wear one when you’re sleeping, or all day long. You may need to empty a cup more often if your flow is at its heaviest, but you can use the same cup for your heaviest and lightest days. You can even wear it when you’re anticipating your period, or not sure if your period is over (though if you have regular cycles, you could just check Clue!). Menstrual cups might have fewer leaks for you than tampons or pads, and usually have less odor. You’ll also have fewer trips to the pharmacy and no tampon string at the beach. The environmental impact of menstrual cups is also significantly lower than disposable products. Certain cups are even safe to leave in during sex. These cups are typically flatter when empty and cover the cervix, sitting higher in the vagina. Other cups are round and sit low, close to the vaginal opening.

To find out more about the menstrual cycle, download Clue, the period tracker app.

Track your cycle, get to know your body better and never be surprised by your period again.

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ilustração da flor do Clue app

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ilustração da flor do Clue app

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