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Illustration showing three screens of the Clue app cycle tracking interface

Illustration by Emma Günther

Temps de lecture : 9 min

How to use Clue

Explore all the features of the Clue app and get the most from your subscription

The Clue app is designed to help you track and decode your menstrual cycle to discover and understand your unique patterns with personalized health insights. With a Clue Plus membership, you unlock advanced predictions, enhanced analysis, and additional features, including extra tracking categories, daily notes, custom tags, and more. 

This guide will help you get the most out of your Clue app. The Cycle View, Calendar View, Analysis Tab, and Content Tab are all tools you can use to get clear, data-driven, science-based insights about your menstrual and reproductive health.

Why track?

At Clue, we always say: Tracking gives you data, data gives you insight, and insight empowers you to take action when it comes to your health journey. By staying consistent with tracking your full cycle (not only your period) with the Clue app, you’ll be able to:

  • Get personalized insights: Tracking your experiences, moods, and activities provides insights into recurring patterns in your cycle.

  • Unlock Clue’s predictive power: Anticipate and prepare for your period, potential mood shifts, or symptom flare-ups with cycle predictions.

  • Build and maintain a comprehensive health record: Keeping an accurate cycle history can help you and your healthcare providers better understand your cycle, monitor changes, spot signs of potential underlying issues or conditions, inform more personalized advice, and facilitate faster diagnoses and treatment, if needed. A cycle health record can be a powerful tool when navigating the changes and choices that come with each life stage.

Tips for getting the most out of Clue Plus

Clue Plus gives you a wide range of tools to build and maintain a detailed cycle health record. It’s also an expert companion for navigating the complexity and uncertainty that can come with different life stages and changing health goals. Whether you’re using Clue Plus for cycle tracking, conception, pregnancy tracking, or managing perimenopause, here’s how to make sure you get the most from your subscription:

  • Log consistently: Track throughout your cycle and make note of both positive and negative experiences. More data = better insights.

  • Check-in regularly: Explore your Analysis Tab regularly to spot new patterns early.

  • Get helpful reminders: Set and customize your reminders for tracking daily symptoms, taking your birth control, or for when your period is likely to start. 

  • Use Custom Tags and Daily Notes: Personalize what you track and add extra details to your days. With Clue Plus you can create unlimited custom tags, giving you the freedom to add what matters to you, in as much detail as you like. 

  • Explore the More Menu: Here you can personalize the app’s appearance, switch between modes, update your health profile with any confirmed diagnoses you may have, find support FAQs, and more.

  • Stay curious: The Content Tab is full of hundreds of expert articles for you to learn about menstrual and reproductive health topics relevant to your personal situation and health goals.

Getting started: First set up your app

When you download the Clue app for the first time, you'll be asked to enter some basic information about your menstrual cycle. If you’re coming from a different tracking app, Clue offers a fast-tracking feature that lets you quickly log past cycles in just a few taps. Clue only needs three complete cycles to start giving you accurate predictions. 

If you don't know that information, no need to worry: Clue will learn as you track and get smarter and more accurate over time.

How to use the Cycle View

The Cycle View is your home base for understanding where you are in your current cycle. 

It shows a representation of your tracked period days, potential fertile window, possible ovulation day, and (if tracked) predicted PMS. 

Tracking dots indicate which categories have been logged on individual days. 

Open your Cycle View: Open your Clue app, or if you’re already in the app tap the “Cycle” icon in the bottom navigation bar.

Understand the color coding: Period days are marked in shades of red based on the type of flow tracked (light red for light flow, dark red for the heaviest flow), fertile window days are indicated in blue (you can toggle the fertile window on/off in the settings), and PMS days are represented by white clouds. 

Clue plus cycle view interface with key

Learn about your cycle phases: Depending on where you are in your cycle (or where you move the day icon within the cycle) the additional information in the center of the Cycle View will change. Tap that center text with the downward arrow. This will open up more information about your period, follicular phase, potential ovulation day, luteal phase, or PMS.

Clue app cycle phases

Move between upcoming and previous cycle days: Drag the day icon clockwise/counter-clockwise to explore previous and upcoming cycle days.

Clue app cycle view navigation

Quickly track your period days: Tap the blood drop icon at the top left of the cycle wheel. In the calendar view, select multiple period days and flow with just a few taps. If you’re new to Clue, this feature allows you to log past cycles in bulk, helping you get more accurate predictions, faster. 

Clue app fast tracking feature

Track your daily feelings: Tap “How do you feel today?” Select from 14 different mood options, including “Fine,” “Happy,” “Mood swings,” and more. 

Track your feelings in the Clue app

How to track your data with Clue

With Clue Plus you have access to over 200 tracking options, so you can capture much more than just your period start and end dates. 

  • Bleeding details: Heaviness of flow, color, or spotting.

  • Symptoms: Headaches, cramps, bloating, and mood changes.

  • Lifestyle factors: Sleep, exercise, and sexual activity.

Everything you track becomes a “data point”. Clue uses these data points to calculate your future cycle predictions and give you an in-depth analysis of your cycle health. 

It’s always up to you what you want to track with Clue, and you can customize the tracking categories you see in the app to suit your specific goals. The more consistently you track, the more accurate Clue’s predictions and insights become. 

Open tracking: Tap the “+” icon in the bottom navigation bar. Or go to the Calendar View and double-tap the day you want to track on.

Tracking in Clue

Log an experience:

  1. Scroll down and find the category you want to track. E.g., “Pain,” “Feelings,” or “Sleep”.

  2. Tap the tracking option that best describes your experience. To deselect an option, simply tap it a second time.

  3. Tap “Save” to finish tracking. 

Clue tracking options including sex life, sleep quality, and feelings

Customize your tracking experience: From the tracking screen, tap “Customize”. Here you can toggle different categories on or off. To reorder the tracking categories, hold your finger on the three lines to the right of a tracking option and drag and drop to create a tracking order that works best for you.

Customize your tracking options in the Clue app

How to use the Calendar View

The Calendar View offers a month-by-month overview of your past tracked experiences and future cycle predictions. 

This view is particularly helpful for knowing when you’re likely to experience certain symptoms (e.g., energy dips or cramps) and can help you schedule activities and self-care strategies. 

To open the Calendar View: Tap the “Calendar” icon in the bottom navigation bar.

Navigate different months: Scroll up and down to view past and future months. With Clue Plus, you can see predictions up to 12 cycles in advance, compared to three cycles with Clue Basic. 

Understand the color coding: Period days are marked in shades of red, fertile window days are in blue, and PMS days are white clouds. The small dots that appear on specific calendar days correspond with what you’ve tracked—with each dot reflecting the relevant color of the tracking category for each tracked experience (for example, feelings tracked are indicated with an orange dot, cramps with a blue dot, and so on). 

The calendar view in the Clue app key with tracking dots, fertile window, period days etc

View what you tracked on a particular day: Tap on the calendar date to see a detailed overview of what you’ve tracked. You can also edit what you’ve tracked from this view. 

Tracking on a particular day

Quickly track your period days: Tap the blood drop icon at the top right of the screen. You can then tap the day or multiple days where you would like to track period flow. Tap ‘Save all’ when you’re done.

Fast-tracking period days

How to use the Analysis Tab

Clue Plus gives you access to advanced analysis in the Analysis Tab. It takes your logged experiences and turns them into meaningful insights. This ultimately helps you plan ahead, learn about your body’s unique patterns, and become an expert on your health.

Open the Analysis Tab: Tap “Analysis” in the navigation bar. 

Review cycle statistics: See your average cycle length and variability at the top of your screen. Tap to get more detailed information and tips. 

View period flow: This graph helps you understand your average period length and flow levels. This is helpful to see at a glance whether there are any notable changes or patterns in your period length and flow.

Clue plus analysis tab stats and period

Discover tracking insights: Clue Plus gives you access to detailed insights on certain tracking categories like Cramps, Feelings, Sleep, Basal body temperature, and Oura temperature trends (if you have paired an Oura Ring with Clue). Here you can discover patterns and explore related content for further guidance and context to help interpret your tracked data.

Tracking insights in Clue Plus analysis tab

Look at your cycle history: Here you can compare cycles side-by-side to spot recurring symptoms, such as headaches or mood changes, and note when they tend to happen. 

Cycle history

The Analysis Tab provides a visual breakdown of your most common symptoms and how they correlate with different phases of your cycle. 

Sharing this data with your healthcare provider during your next visit can help you have more informed conversations about any concerns or changes in your cycle. 

How to use the Content Tab

Clue Plus gives you access to a library of educational articles written by experts. 

You can use the articles to expand your understanding of menstrual health and pick up helpful wellness strategies. 

Navigate to the Content Tab: Tap “Content” in the navigation bar. 

Browse topics: Scroll up and down to find articles on menstrual health, sexual health, symptom management, birth control, fertility, and much more. 

Clue content tab

Get Clue Plus and start tracking your health.

une illustration de la fleur de Clue
une illustration de la fleur de Clue

Live in sync with your cycle and download the Clue app today.

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