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Period sex - yes or no?

How do people feel about period sex? Is it gross or the best thing ever? Clue asked. Here are the answers.

Share your cycle with your partner through the Clue app and make talking about period sex easier.

Period sex can be awkward. Talking about period sex can be even more awkward. No, we’re not going to tell you the “X reasons why you should have period sex” or tell you to buck up and just do it. But naturally, we love talking about both of these topics, so we’d like to lay down some facts about period sex.

It’s OK to have sex during your period. Really.

You don’t have to spare yourself pleasure for 2-7 days every month if you don’t want to. For some people, period sex is just as pleasurable as sex outside of menstruation. For others, it can be more pleasurable.

Track sex in the Clue app.

Video by Shari Mahrdt

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ilustração da flor do Clue app

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