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Getting your first period

Clue asked people about their first period.

Do you remember when you started getting your period? What was it like? Share your first period stories with us on Twitter.

Puberty happens in stages. As your hormones change, your body becomes more “adult” and prepares for the possibility of pregnancy. This process usually lasts about 2-5 years. In the years before you get your first period, you’ll first notice changes like the growth of breasts and pubic hair. Most people begin puberty between the ages of 8-13 and start menstruating at 9-15.

The American Congress of Ob/Gyns recommends that anyone who begins to see signs of puberty before turning nine or who hasn’t experienced any signs after reaching 15 should have a check-up with an OB/GYN.

Read more on the "Beginner's guide to getting your period".

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ilustração da flor do Clue app

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