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Photography by Natalie Rose Dodd. Art Direction by Marta Pucci.

Tempo de leitura: 2 min

How to track your body's changes when going on or off birth control

Tracking changes can help keep you informed of what’s normal and what isn’t.

Choosing to start or stop any form of hormonal birth control can bring about many changes to your body depending on the type you use. It’s a serious decision that can impact your day-to-day mood, skin, sex life, PMS symptoms, and more.

That’s why it’s so important to track these changes using Clue.

Once you download the Clue app, you can enter the type of birth control you’re using and track any side effects that may occur. Likewise, if you stop using it at any point, continuing to track your symptoms can help give you deeper insight into how your body responds.

When starting or stopping hormonal birth control depending on the type, you might miss periods entirely or end up bleeding longer than normal. Some people report changes in appetite, improved skin or more breakouts, breast pain, changes in sex drive, and more.

Track your birth control in the Clue app

  • Baixe o Clue app na App Store
  • Baixe o Clue app na Play Store
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Just keep in mind that these changes are different for everyone, meaning what happens to you might not happen to your friend. Every body is different and there’s no one-size-fits-all list of symptoms that you’ll experience, especially when it comes to your hormonal health.

Birth control is a choice, but the side effects aren’t. By increasing awareness of your body’s reactions to going on or off birth control, you can gain a deeper knowledge of your personal symptoms and know when/if to seek the advice of your medical physician.

Get Clue to take control of your health.

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ilustração da flor do Clue app

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ilustração da flor do Clue app

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