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Illustration by Marta Pucci

Tempo de leitura: 3 min

What to do if you need an abortion

Practical tips and resources from an OB-GYN and abortion provider.

Top things to know

  • If it’s possible you could become pregnant, it’s important to know abortion laws in the state in which you live.

  • The Digital Defense Fund can guide you on how to keep your information safe online. 

  • There are organizations that can help you find and pay for an abortion.

What should I do if I need an abortion?

Many people might not know their local abortion laws until they need an abortion – I hear this a lot as an abortion provider. 

In some locations, even searching for abortion information has led to criminalization when the person has experienced a miscarriage. 

Depending on the state or country in which you live, it might be important to take precautions when searching for where to obtain and how to pay for an abortion. We will discuss the important details about how to protect yourself digitally and then give you some resources to help understand your local laws and your abortion options. 

Tips and resources for anyone considering an abortion

1. Take digital precautions when searching for abortion

If you’re not sure of the legal status of abortion care in your community, read these important digital security tips from Digital Defense Fund before you start looking for specific abortion information.

2. Understand the abortion laws and options where you are

Once you understand how to optimize your digital security, here are some resources to help you understand abortion laws in your area.

3. Use these resources if you’re not sure where to get an abortion or if abortion is illegal in your area

4. Get more information on later abortion

If you need information on later abortion or a list of clinics providing later abortion, check out these resources.

5. Find financial assistance for abortion

If you need help paying for your abortion and you live in the United States, your local abortion fund might be able to help cover part or all of the cost of your abortion. You can check out National Network of Abortion Funds to see which abortion funds cover your area. If you have an appointment with a clinic, you can also ask them for a list of abortions funds that help cover the costs of care at their clinic.

6. Get legal support

If you or someone you know is investigated, arrested, or prosecuted for abortion, reach out to the If/When/How Legal Defense Fund.

At Clue, we believe in your right to make your own health decisions, free from judgment, misinformation, or shame. We are committed to providing accurate, evidence-based, non-judgmental information on all reproductive topics, including abortion. You can find more articles on abortion from healthcare experts here.

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