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Clue raises $20 million in Series B funding

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Since 2013, Clue has gone from an app used by a handful of people to a tool used by over five million people to understand their menstrual health.

We’re proud to announce our Series B funding of $20 million led by Nokia Growth Partners (NGP), along with existing investors Union Square Ventures (USV), Mosaic Ventures, Brigitte Mohn and Christophe Maire, and additional new investors, Giving Wings and FJ Labs.

These new funds will be used to continue developing the Clue app, provide smarter personalized insights to our users, expand the team and inform more people around the world about Clue.

This latest funding round takes our total investments up to $30 million. We're determined to use this funding to push female health research further and improve female health knowledge globally.

Not only does this funding round point to Clue's growth, but also to the progress of the femtech industry addressing female health needs with technology.

"I feel as strongly as ever that Clue's mission is to keep female health and its advancement at the top of the global agenda and I am thrilled to partner with a prestigious circle of investors who share our vision. Healthcare is already going digital, just look at the 60% of smartphone users in the US using their devices to manage health. Female health is also driving this. And when you consider that more than half of the world's population is female, you realize how enormous the market potential and opportunity for femtech companies is to truly make an impact." - Ida Tin, CEO and co-founder of Clue


In the 13 months since our Series A funding round, we were named the top period tracking app by doctors, our community has grown by 163%, we’ve established research partnerships with Stanford University, Columbia University, the University of Washington and the University of Oxford and a Medical Board of leading specialists from UCLA and Stanford University has been appointed to guide the ongoing development of Clue.

"We believe the widespread adoption of mobile and wearables will transform healthcare. Technology has given digital healthcare companies a way to collect and analyze data, while providing users with the tools to get deeper understanding and more control of their health. Clue is part of that transformation and we are privileged to lead Clue's Series B funding round and support the company's global ambitions." -Walter Masalin, Nokia Growth Partners

If you have any questions about our latest round, feedback about the Clue app or thoughts on upcoming research to explore, get in touch on Twitter. We'd love to hear your thoughts.

une illustration de la fleur de Clue
une illustration de la fleur de Clue

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une illustration de la fleur de Clue
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Vivez en symbiose avec votre cycle en téléchargeant l'app Clue maintenant.