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Illustration by Emma Günther.

Temps de lecture : 4 min

Clue and ŌURA announce partnership

We’re working with ŌURA for even deeper cycle insights–and to help move female health research forward.

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Clue and ŌURA, the company behind the revolutionary smart ring that delivers personalized health data, insights, and daily guidance, have announced a new integration that marks the beginning of a purpose-driven partnership to uncover new insights into female health.

With this integration, Oura Ring can now be paired with the Clue app on iOS for seamless temperature trend tracking. This follows months of Clue user research and a survey of over 1,300 community members, which found body temperature was ranked as the ‘most valuable’ biometric marker to be integrated in the Clue app.

Clue’s CEO, Audrey Tsang, says: “As companies rooted in evidence-based science, we know the power of combining health knowledge and self-knowledge to empower women and people with cycles to take charge of their health. This is just the beginning of what’s possible through this partnership. We are most excited about the unique opportunity we have here to help illuminate some of the blindspots in female health with extremely impactful health research.”

Beyond temperature trends, the Clue and ŌURA teams are already working on expanding the integration to further biometric data such as sleep tracking in the near future. 

“Women’s health continues to be a major area of focus for our brand, and we are excited to be working with a major leader in the space to help women better understand their bodies,” added Dorothy Kilroy, Chief Commercial Officer, ŌURA.

Seamless temperature tracking

As European-based companies, Clue and ŌURA follow the world’s strictest data privacy laws. No Clue data is shared with ŌURA in this integration, and users can manage the pairing of Oura Ring with Clue at any time. 

Clue’s CEO, Rhiannon White, explains: “Being able to seamlessly track and see temperature trends within the context of other cycle data in the Clue app can offer helpful insight into your body’s unique patterns. After rigorous testing, our Science and Product teams found the continuous temperature measurement by Oura Ring on the underside of the finger offered a holistic view of temperature fluctuations in the body throughout the cycle.”

New research opportunities

A recent survey of Clue users found 85% of respondents wanted their anonymized data to contribute to research. “That speaks volumes to both the trust of our community, and the understanding of the value of our collective data to help close the research gaps that persist in female health,” says Tsang.

Data tracked within the Clue app (currently 15 billion data points), has long contributed to important scientific research helping to close the gender-data gap, to improve societal understanding of menstrual and reproductive health. Clue data is only used for research with the express consent of users and is always fully anonymized before being shared with any research partners. 

One of the areas Clue and ŌURA are aiming to prioritize in their research efforts is perimenopause. Clue recently launched its Perimenopause mode to help women and people with cycles better navigate their transition to menopause.

“There’s still so much we don’t know about the early signs of perimenopause and what factors influence the frequency and severity of symptoms,” says White. “The combination of real-time bio-sensing with Oura Ring and self-tracked experiences in Clue offers a unique opportunity for research to potentially help inform earlier diagnosis, and better symptom management and support.”

Exclusive offer

As part of their partnership, ŌURA and Clue are offering their members an exclusive co-promotion including:

  • An exclusive discount on the purchase of Oura Ring including one month’s free access to the Oura App for Clue users.

  • Clue is also offering three months’ complimentary Clue Plus access for new subscribers who purchase Oura Ring during the promotional period.


Got questions about the in-app integration for Clue on iOS? Find our FAQs here. For media queries, please contact press@helloclue.com.

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