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Illustration by Marta Pucci

Temps de lecture : 2 min

Clue and UNFPA Brazil sign partnership on reproductive and sexual health

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UNFPA is the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, responsible since 1967 for expanding the possibilities for women and young people to have a healthy sexual and reproductive life. The agency is present in more than 150 countries, operating through partnerships with governments, UN agencies and institutions from the civil society and the private sector.

In Brazil, UNFPA works with private and philanthropic companies and institutions in the Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Brazil. Clue is the only period tracker and menstrual calendar app signatory of the Alliance.

Clue app commitments to UNFPA Brazil:

  • Support the sexual and reproductive health and rights agenda through specific or continuous actions;

  • Support actions and campaigns, and thus encourage the debate and dissemination of quality information about sexual and reproductive health and rights;

  • Participate in programmatic meetings, whose objective is to exchange information and experiences on issues related to the sexual and reproductive health and rights agenda.

“We are pleased to share that Clue is now an official partner of UNFPA Brazil. The country is one of our largest markets, and we know that millions of people in Brazil use our app and engage with our educational content on helloclue.com/pt each month. 

The commitments signed under this alliance will help us to tell even more stories about menstrual, reproductive, and sexual health from a Brazilian perspective, which aligns with Clue's overall mission to promote the empowerment and autonomy of women and people with cycles.” - Ida Tin, Clue CEO and co-founder 

The Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Brazil states that, despite significant advances, the universal access to information, services and supplies, on sexual and reproductive health is a major challenge for most Brazilian women in reproductive age (between 10 and 49 years of age). 

Clue is now assisting UNFPA Brazil in this challenge via its app, its online educational content and its social channels in the quest for more autonomy and improvement in people’s lives in Brazil and the World.

More about UNFPA Brazil:

Website (Portuguese)

Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Brazil (Portuguese)




Follow this partnership in our channels in Portuguese: helloclue.com/pt, Twitter and Instagram.

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une illustration de la fleur de Clue

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Vivez en symbiose avec votre cycle en téléchargeant l'app Clue maintenant.