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illustration of 4 colorful cycles on a dim grey background

Katrin Friedmann

Tiempo de lectura: 2 min

New in Clue: Turning off predictions for irregular cycles

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"I use a hormonal IUD and can have cycles that last 70+ days or as short as 3 days."

"I have irregular cycles, and I am 52 years old. I started using Clue to help me predict my cycles, but they are hopelessly unpredictable!"

"My shortest was 31 days, my longest was 86, and it fluctuates within that range - I never really know how long it will be."

Most people have, on average, 11-13 menstrual cycles per year. But it's not unusual to have more cycles that thator fewer.

For example, cycles are commonly irregular for the first few years after your first period (menarche), and when you reach the end of your reproductive years (peri-menopause). Cycle length may also change because of many different conditions, including: PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) or other hormonal problems, eating disorders, endometriosis (tissue growths on the reproductive organs), trauma/damages to the reproductive system, certain medications as well as recovery from pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, and breastfeeding.

Researchers, as well as we at Clue, call these "irregular cycles"—cycles so widely varying in length that regular predictions are no longer useful.

That's why we've introduced a new update to Clue's iOS app this week that allows you to show or hide predictions in Clue. You'll find it under "Settings" in the "More" section.

turning-off-predictions-irregular-cycles 1@2x

Then, when you go back to the main cycle view, you'll see your predictions for your average cycle length have been removed. This also removes the "Your Averages" section from the History view.

turning-off-predictions-irregular-cycles 2@2x

We hope you find it useful. If you have any feedback or questions, please email us at support@helloclue.com or message us on Twitter @clue.

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una ilustración de la flor de Clue

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