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Illustration by Emma Günther

Tiempo de lectura: 4 min

How Clue is beating stress at work

The research is clear — stress affects your health. It can change some of your body’s core functions like blood pressure, immunity, and even the menstrual cycle.

by Sarah Toler, DNP, CNM, y Marjolein van Berlo
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Everyone who’s ever had a job knows what it’s like to run late, deal with a personality conflict, or be unable to finish a task in time. Stress is impacted by how well you feel you can handle something. Feeling overwhelmed with workload or unsupported by coworkers can leave you feeling insecure and magnify the pressures of work. 

The research is clear — stress affects your health. It can change some of your body’s core functions like blood pressure, immunity, and even the menstrual cycle. 

Stress can cause changes to your hormones, potentially delaying ovulation, changing cycle length, or increasing period pain. 

Clue supports over 12 million people with their menstrual health — including Clue employees. To keep Clue employees healthy and happy, we support them both mentally and physically. Policies like flexible working hours, on-site massage, company yoga and a work/life coach can help employees manage stress both from work and daily life. 

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We offer flexibility in both work hours and environment by allowing remote work and flexible hours. This gives people at Clue the feeling of freedom and individuality. It also simultaneously lets people work around personal errands and commitments, all while providing a family-friendly working environment. 

We began trialing “Flex Fridays” in 2021.  Feedback from our employees has shown that they love this program. A balance between days off to spend more time to enjoy other interests or with loved ones or simply manage personal lives, all while achieving the same results in fewer work hours. With this we hope to decrease burnout risk in the long run. We will continue to offer one day a week free from meetings and other expectations to achieve a uniquely high performing and highly motivated team. This flex day can be used to do whatever is needed to stay healthy and productive sustainably. No questions asked. 

Our wellbeing program offers a weekly yoga class, and a short mid-day meditation session is available twice a week. Additionally, we subsidize Urban Sports Club memberships; when the body and mind work together it does small wonders!  We also offer our Clue employees the opportunity to have personal coaching with our in-house coach available for one-on-one sessions. All topics are welcome such as job related issues, as well as general professional and personal topics. Talking really helps! We know the extra down time and these wellbeing offers are associated with fewer sick days and reduce stress profoundly.

Our Professional and Personal Growth Budgets are there to offer support and confidence that helps employees grow in their roles.  While the Professional Budget is to be used on anything related to the growth journey of the role within Clue, the Personal Growth Budget has been created to look after yourself and well-being. Think of therapies, massages, cinema or expanding a hobby with a fun course. With love, from Clue!

At Clue we embrace a culture that values everyones’ uniqueness and lets them flourish as an individual. We are constantly working on creating an environment which provides equal opportunities, regardless of your ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability, race, religion, and any other diverse backgrounds. 

If you are interested in joining our Clue team, your unique set of talents will always be appreciated and we’re committed to provide them with a nurturing and safe environment. You can check out and apply for our open positions at helloclue.com/jobs

Not sure whether stress is affecting your cycle? Clue can help you track your stress, energy, sleep, and exercise. The best way to take care of yourself is to know your body.

Download Clue for iOS or Android today.

More information on how stress can impact the menstrual cycle can be read on our Encyclopedia here.

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