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Header for International Women's Day article with posters

Art and posters by: Benedikt Scheckenbach and Marta Pucci

Lesezeit: 2 min

International Women’s Day printable posters from Clue

Join the March for Equality!

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International Women’s Day 2020 is on Sunday, March 8th. Activists in cities across the globe organize marches in support of local and global feminist issues.

Each year, there is a main theme for everyone to gather around. This year, it’s #EachforEqual—a reminder that our daily actions can help make a change, and a call for all of us to work towards gender equality in our communities, workplaces, and homes.

Clue is proud to support this goal, and help make others’ voices heard.

A short history of IWD

The first Women’s Day was celebrated on February 28th 1909 in New York City, inspired by the activist Theresa Serber Malkiel. Theresa Malkiel was a Russian-American suffragist and the first woman to rise from factory work to being a member of the Socialist party. She spoke out for immigrant women and established local suffrage clubs.

Since then, Women’s Days across the globe have been focal points of women’s rights activism—for women’s right to vote, for reproductive rights, for equal pay, for the right to hold public office, and for an end to violence against women.

Join the March For Equality!

Here are some ways you can join this year’s International Women’s Day celebrations:

Use #EachforEqual

Join the conversation on social media with this year’s official IWD hashtag

Take part in your local Women’s March

Print some of the posters we prepared for you below, find a local event, and join a rally.

Join Clue in Berlin at the Period Bloc

We are based in Berlin, so a number of Cluebies are attending the Period Bloc. Keep an eye out for our posters and find us along the march route!

All posters are A3 format (29.7 x 42.0cm, or 11.69 x 16.53 inches), see them below and download them here.

"An Equal World is an Enabled World" - International Women's Day poster
"An Equal World is an Enabled World" - International Women's Day poster
"An Equal World is an Enabled World" - International Women's Day poster
"An Equal World is an Enabled World" - International Women's Day poster
"An Equal World is an Enabled World" - International Women's Day poster
"An Equal World is an Enabled World" - International Women's Day poster
"An Equal World is an Enabled World" - International Women's Day poster

A reminder: International Women’s Day marches are a fight for the rights of all people. No matter how you identify or were born, you are welcome to fight for gender equality!

eine Illustration der Clue-Blume
eine Illustration der Clue-Blume

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