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power to the period

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Power to the period: giving the homeless access to menstrual products

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Menstruation affects everyone differently across the world. Some people miss school out of embarrassment. Others feel so much pain it affects their daily lives. And for some, it's just another day.

But what's it like for homeless people? In the past we've spoken about the problems homeless people face in regards to menstruation and access to menstrual products. This is an underserved problem that needs collective action.

Our friends at U by Kotex and kicked off Power to the Period this summer, the first-ever national period products donation drive.

Power to the Period aims to provide period products for many of the 3.5 million Americans who experience homelessness each year by encouraging people to collect and donate extra packages of period products to homeless shelters between July 14th - September 30th.

89% of Americans say it's important for society to help increase access to period products for homeless Americans. Only 6% have actually donated period products to homeless shelters.*

How can I help?

People who sign up for the campaign at and upload a photo of the period products they donate will be eligible to win a $5,000 scholarship. Eligible participants will receive one entry for the scholarship for every ten period product items donated. When signing up to participate, people can also opt-in to one of 20 competitions throughout the donation drive. The U by Kotex brand will donate products to a shelter designated by the top five winners of each competition.

People across the country are invited to start a Power to the Period donation drive or donate new boxes of period products to a shelter in their area. Text PERIOD to 38383 or visit for more information. Also, visit to learn more about the Power to the Period donation drive, The Period Projects and to request a U by Kotex product sample.

Join the online conversation with #PeriodProjects.

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