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Illustrations by Marta Pucci

Lesezeit: 6 min

Clue’s favorite podcasts

A comprehensive list of recommended podcasts for Clue users.

Hey! My name’s Kassandra and I’m the Executive Producer of Season 1 of Hormonal. And I have a confession: I am obsessed with podcasts. 

When someone posts “What podcast should I listen to next?” on social media, I’m the one who blows it up with half a dozen comments. I’m the girl who’s listening to comedy podcasts while she’s running, and news round ups while she’s cooking. 

That’s why I feel it is my duty to provide the comprehensive list of podcasts for Clue users. These are not only great podcasts for your period, but for when you’re thinking about sex, getting active, or crossing things off your to do list.

Banner of hormonal podcast
  1. Hormonal

OK, so I may be a bit biased, but I think Hormonal is the best podcast out there for better understanding your cycle. There’s so much on a personal and cultural level that’s related to someone’s cycle. For example, why are women called “hormonal” for having a monthly hormone cycle, but not men—who have a DAILY hormone cycle? On the pod, we get into the nitty gritty—from how your culture affects how you experience premenstrual changes, to why the science on hormones and elite sports isn’t as clear cut as you think. 

Banner of The Cut podcast

2. The Cut On Tuesdays

I love this podcast because it’s polished, smart and has a clear Cut perspective. Their weekly segment How I Get Things Done is a fascinating  perspective into how some of your favorite Sheroes balance their lives. Some great episodes include one on anxiety, the politics and practicalities of pubic hair, and what people expect, and DO NOT expect, during pregnancy.

Banner of Sex Ed with DB podcast

3. Sex Ed with DB

Sex Ed with DB is a feminist podcast bringing you all the sex ed you never got, through unique, candid, and intersectional storytelling. I especially like the personal touch and storytelling opportunities that DB gives her guests. One of my favorite episodes is a candid conversation between the host and her mom (who also happens to be a trained OB-GYN) about the side effects of birth control—and why it’s still important to be pro-birth control even while acknowledging the risks and complications. Another favorite is “Just Trust Women” about abortion. 

Banner of Period with Kate Clancy podcast

4. Period. With Kate Clancy

Period. is the podcast that’s not afraid to get into everything menstrual—including the bloody bits. Kate Clancy is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of Illinois whose research focuses on the ways in which stress, lifestyle, and environment affect women’s health. I paricularly enjoyed the episode “Where the tampon goes” about the Canadian Muslim experience with menstruation, and the episode “Menstrual hygiene, what ever that means.

Banner of Baby Geniuses podcast

5. Baby Geniuses

Baby Geniuses is the best kind of chat podcast. Smart, funny people who care about things discussing topics you didn’t even know you could become so invested in. (You too will become invested in Martha Stewart’s pony Ban Chunch. I promise.) Co-hosts Lisa Hanawalt (from “Tuca & Bertie” and “BoJack Horseman”), and Emily Heller (a stand up comedian and writer on “Barry”) truly care about each other and the world, and are laugh out loud funny. My all time favorite Baby Geniuses episode is the one that touches on getting an ADHD diagnosis as an adult

Banner of The Good News podcast

6. The Good News Podcast

Listen, we all know that sometimes the news is bad. But, sometimes, the news is good! On The Good News Podcast, there are delightful bits of news and facts all about the world, small and big. The episodes are short, around five minutes, and can provide a shot of good news any time of the day. From Nicole the 5-year-old, you’ll get delightful news updates, like, did you know that fairies are real? And positive updates such as toilet innovations to improve hygiene across the world. And a recurring series called Wiki Women.

Banner showing Why Won't You Date Me podcast

7. Why Won’t You Date Me

Nicole Byers, the stand up comedian who rose to fame as the host of Netflix’s “Nailed It!”, is such a treat on her podcast all about romance, dating, and how on earth she’s still single. Even the theme song is catchy! Nicole is great at getting her guests to be candid about their own dating lives, and reflect on romantic successes and failures. Honestly, this podcasts sometimes just makes me cry with laughter.Some of my favorite episodes include her chat with Monique Heart of Drag Race Season 10, an episode where Nicole delves into dating people on the neurodiversity spectrum with Sam Pancake, and another centered around ethical porn with Erika Lust

Banner showing VOXXX podcast


One of my favorite things about podcasts is that no one around you knows what you’re listening to. So, if it’s a time of your cycle when you’re feeling more sexual than others, check out VOXXX for an imaginative spark: it’s audio porn.Originally in French, VOXXX launched English-language content this year. There’s plenty of audio to help you light that spark alone, or with a partner.

Banner showing Nancy podcast

9. Nancy

Nancy is the sweetest queer podcast on the internet. Hosts and BFFs Tobin Low and Kathy Tu tell stories that make you “laugh, cry and laugh again,” all about queer culture and the queer experience. There’s the episode about falling in love in Moscow on the brink of Y2K; then the episode about Bowen Yang’s obsession with Sandra Oh, and the first time a kid sees themselves in a queer adult

Banner showing Heavy Weight podcast

10. Heavy Weight

I really love Heavy Weight for those days filled with nostalgia or ennui, when I just need a good cry. Host Jonathan Goldstein strives to help with life’s tiny mysteries and problems with a wry sense of humor and an endless amount of optimism. 

There’s the episode about two brothers in their 80s who have been estranged for years. Then the one about Moby stealing a bunch of CDs from a guy. And of course, about one dad’s dying request to have his ashes spread on the 18th hole of a fancy private golf course

Banner showing Food 4 Thot podcast

11. Food 4 Thot

Food 4 Thot describes itself as the “podcast discussing SEX, relationships, race, IDENTITY, what we like to read, & WHO we like to read.” The four hosts chat and muse on topics such as rosé mistakes, queer identity, and what happens when your Grindr hook-up’s ex-roommate makes an unexpected entrance on the scene. Some of my favorite episodes include a discussion on the power of anger, and a conversation with Ashley C. Ford on bisexual identity. 

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