photograph of transparent menstrual cup on an orange surface
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New in Clue: Menstrual cup tracking

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A few weeks ago we released 23 new tracking categories for our iOS app, but we dropped the ball by leaving out the menstrual cup as a tracking option under Collection Method.

new-in-clue-menstrual-cup-tracking 1@2x

Many of you have asked for it, and we’re really happy to finally give you an option to track menstrual cup usage.

Benefits of menstrual cups:

  1. You can wear them all day long.
  2. They’re environmentally friendly.
  3. You’ll save money.

Update Clue in the App Store today! Let us know what you think. We’re all ears:

Hang tight, Android. New tracking categories are coming very soon.

eine Illustration der Clue-Blume
eine Illustration der Clue-Blume

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Lebe im Einklang mit deinem Zyklus und lade die Clue App noch heute herunter.