Lesezeit: 1 min

Use Clue Connect to learn about your friend or partner's period

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Erica and Claire from the Content + Community team talk about Clue's new cycle sharing feature, Clue Connect, and answer these frequently asked questions:

How do I connect with someone in Clue?
How do I disconnect with someone in Clue?
Where did Analysis go?
Why would I want to share my cycle with someone?

Start sharing your cycle with your friends today. Please note: You must have a Clue account to use the Clue Connect feature.

connectmore-with-your-friends@2x Kopie connectmore-with-your-friends@2x

eine Illustration der Clue-Blume
eine Illustration der Clue-Blume

Lebe im Einklang mit deinem Zyklus und lade die Clue App noch heute herunter.

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eine Illustration der Clue-Blume
eine Illustration der Clue-Blume

Lebe im Einklang mit deinem Zyklus und lade die Clue App noch heute herunter.