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Connecting female influencers at the Berlin Affair

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Clue's second Berlin Affair took place September 7-9 at a castle outside of the city. We teamed up with our friends at the language learning app Babbel to host another impactful event with some of the most influential female voices across the globe.

The purpose of the Berlin Affair is to unite influential women to develop what it means to have a powerful presence on the internet, and how to use that position for good.

Across three days the diverse group of attendees formed meaningful connections, discussed intersectionality and empowered each other to be vocal about important topics on their platforms.

These 50 unique women shared their experiences working in the technology and media sphere; they bonded, supported and encouraged each other in a picturesque environment.

Organized talks led by established female leaders addressed topics including ageism, sexism, racism, homophobia and reproductive health. These fireside chats instigated emotional responses that cultivated new ways to communicate these discriminatory issues to their followers across many cultures.

Sessions included:

  • Lessons Learned: How to Make It as a Woman in Society and Media with Beate Wedekind, former Editor in Chief of Elle Germany and Founder of The New Africa
  • Follow Your Heart: Tales and Recipes From A Journey of Baking and Sharing with Malin Elmlid of the Bread Exchange
  • Changing The World: One Line Of Code At A Time with Anne Kjaer Riechert, Luna Bandakji and Lina Alhaddad from the REDI School of Digital Integration
  • Breaking Taboos: Understanding and Embracing your Body with Anna Druet & Vedrana Högqvist from Clue’s Science Team

Babbel actively translated everything for the multilingual influencers, who represented 12 different languages, to further develop these conversations and convey ideas between each other.

In addition to art and mindfulness workshops, the Berlin Affair sparked intellectual growth and creativity. It encompassed solidarity; uniting a global network of internet personalities to bond, thrive and share important knowledge to a combined audience of 70 million people.

Understand your body and understand each other. Download Clue today.

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eine Illustration der Clue-Blume
eine Illustration der Clue-Blume

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