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Talia Meer, PhD

A photo of Talia Meer, PhD
Freelance Writer

Talia Meer is a freelance writer and researcher in Berlin. She has a Doctorate in Sociology. Her work focuses on gender, race, sexuality, health and violence.

Trying to Conceive

I want to have a baby but my partner doesn't

“I can see myself parenting with you, and that’s not a feeling I’ve had before,” my boyfriend Adam said to...

Illustrations of couples talking about sexual consent
Dating & Partnership

8 things to know about sexual consent

Even if you’ve heard of sexual consent, you might be unsure of how to give it or ask for it....

Illustration of different types of parents with kids
Trying to Conceive

Should I have kids? Five tips for navigating this complex decision

Not everyone knows if they want to be a parent. Here are some ways to help figure it out.