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Binwe Adebayo, MA

A photo of Binwe Adebayo, MA
Guest Editor

Binwe Adebayo (MA) is an internationally published writer, editor and scholar. At current, she is the Editor in Chief for the Moleskine Foundation's Folios Magazine (Italy) as well as South Africa Editor for NATAAL magazine (UK). Binwe is a Mellon Foundation Scholar and holds a Masters degree in Journalism and Media Studies (Rhodes University), with a writing and academic focus on virtual communities, the internet as a site of knowledge, resistance and emancipatory politics. Binwe lives and works (primarily) in Johannesburg.

Different illustrations refering to fertility topics: acupunture, somebody eating a pineapple, somebody stretching.a
Trying to Conceive

Ask a fertility nurse

From old wives’ tales to TikToks about eating pineapple cores, let’s get into it.

Trying to Conceive

Keeping sex sexy when trying to conceive

It’s possible to maintain an exciting, fulfilling, enjoyable sex life while you’re trying to conceive. Sex can fulfill the practical...

Trying to Conceive

7 things to read, watch and listen to if you’re on the fence about parenthood

From hilarious perspectives, to more serious discussions, here are 7 resources I have found valuable.