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Illustration: Emma Günther

Tempo de leitura: 2 min

Your Clue data is always protected

We have never and will never disclose any member’s private health data to any authority.

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At Clue HQ, we deeply understand and sympathize with the concern around the future of reproductive rights and surveillance.

Data privacy is not just a talking point for us. It’s personal. So while the path ahead may be uncertain, what remains certain – and unwavering – is our absolute commitment to our member community to protect your privacy.

Here’s what we want you to know:

  • Clue has never and will never disclose any member’s private health data to any authority.

  • If we are served with a subpoena for private health data, we will not comply in any circumstances. We will fight any such requests loudly and publicly.

  • No matter where you are in the world, if you use Clue, your data is protected by the strictest German and European data privacy laws, and by our commitment to you.

  • We always treat your data with utmost care, taking all necessary precautions (and more) to ensure it’s secure and protected.

Clue was created to give you the ability to build your own cycle health record and to be able to use it to gain invaluable insights to help give you agency when it comes to your menstrual and reproductive health.

With Clue, you have the ability to better understand what’s going on inside your body. It turns your data into a resource. One that can help you discover and anticipate patterns, identify changes, make informed decisions, and in some cases, even save your life.

It’s why we so firmly believe that as women and people with cycles, our health data must serve us and never be used against us or for anyone else’s agenda.

We take the responsibility of protecting it extremely seriously. Because everyone should be able to confidently keep a health record and trust that it will always be kept safe and secure.

And that is exactly our promise to you. Now and always.

With solidarity from Berlin,

Rhiannon and the Clue Team

ilustração da flor do Clue app
ilustração da flor do Clue app

Live in sync with your cycle and download the Clue app today.

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ilustração da flor do Clue app
ilustração da flor do Clue app

Viva em sintonia com seu ciclo, baixe o Clue hoje.