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Coming together for reproductive health and equality

Clue goes to the Women's March in Washington

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Earlier this month Clue attended the U.S. Presidential Inauguration and Women’s March on Washington. We went to listen to people and hear how they feel about the current state of reproductive health and gender equality — causes that are close to us as a company committed to helping people throughout their reproductive lives.

The Women’s March wasn’t just for women. It was a platform for men, transgender, gender-neutral and queer people. And anyone with a uterus. It was a platform for everyone to speak out for what they believe in. People used the march as an opportunity to stand for equality, the environment, compassion, immigration and quality journalism, to name a few. Signs said everything from straight “SCIENCE” to the classics “Love your mother” and “Equal rights for all.”

Clue traveled to D.C. to stand specifically for the future of reproductive rights, equality and care. We believe that when people understand their bodies and health, it makes it easier for them to live fuller lives and relate to others.


We held a uterus flag and passed out free uterus tote bags. It’s an image we use regularly, not because female reproductive imagery represents womanhood as a whole, but because the uterus is still a relevant and important symbol as long as people are treated differently because of their reproductive organs. Female health, in particular, has long been neglected by the research community, and people with uteruses still face discrimination in the eyes of the law, society and the workplace. And now reproductive care is at further risk of going backwards with the reinstatement of the global gag rule (aka the Mexico City Policy).

Achieving reproductive equality is a step towards achieving gender equality — and ultimately a place where gender (and all) discrimination is obsolete.

The purpose of the march was to come together, no matter what you were marching for. We live in a time where it is becoming more widely accepted to speak out — and many people are finding their voice for their first time. That’s a beautiful thing. This very public and widespread outcry represented one of many collective efforts to progress humanity and ultimately achieve a more just world.

Speak out and show your support. Share this video to expose the need for reproductive equality and care.

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