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A stack of papers with the Clue logo.

Illustration by Katrin Friedmann

Tempo de leitura: 4 min

Clue’s Editorial Policy

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At Clue, we prize openness and transparency—whether it’s about what we do with app data, how we conduct our scientific collaborations, or how we create content.

We’ve discussed specific topics in these articles:

We hope this document will answer any questions you may have about our editorial policies, but if we’ve missed anything feel free to reach out to us via social media or drop us an email to

What does the Clue content team do?

Our mission is to create and distribute accessible, scientific, and actionable health information for women and people with cycles around the world, so that they have what they need to understand their bodies and live full lives.

We aim to produce content that is:

  • Scientifically-sound

  • Empathetic

  • Easy to understand

  • Inclusive of all genders and sexual orientations

The types of content that we produce

The Clue content team produces articles, in-app educational content, text and images for social media, illustrations, animations and infographics, audio and video.

Everything that we create is done with the purpose of informing and empowering our readers.

Clue’s commitment to accuracy

At Clue, any article with actionable health information is reviewed at length by one of our fact-checkers to ensure that, to the best of our abilities, the statistics, conclusion, and statements in the article are verifiably true.

We do this by reading and referencing scientific studies and publications from health authorities like The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), The World Health Organization (WHO), and The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

Our fact checking process is not just a matter of checking statistics, but also ensuring  that the conclusions reached within a study are presented accurately. If an area is still not very well understood, we’ll let you know that more research is needed in this field.

All health articles include  a reference list, which states where we found and sourced all of our information. We invite readers to check out our sources, and we welcome questions and discussion. Science is always evolving—and we’re always ready to learn more.

We wrote with more detail about our approach to health information here.

We date our content so readers can know how current it is. After content is published, it is regularly revised to ensure that everything on reflects the latest medical and scientific knowledge. Details about an article’s publication or revision are included at the end of articles.

If you have questions or concerns about our content, we can be contacted via social media or

The Clue content team

Our content team includes scientists, medical professionals, journalists, and editors, with experience in menstrual and reproductive health, news, and entertainment media. This combination of expertise enables Clue to publish easy-to-read and engaging content about menstrual and reproductive health that is scientifically up-to-date.

Freelance writers and content producers are held to the same standards as our editorial staff, and their work goes through the same rigorous fact-checking and editing process as our staff-created content.

Advertising and sponsored content

  • We do not currently include traditional display advertisements on, in our app, or in our newsletter.

  • Some articles on are sponsored. This means that a company (sponsor) has paid Clue to create articles on a given topic.

  • In the case of sponsored content, Clue retains our editorial independence. We may agree with our sponsor on general topics to cover, but Clue controls and produces the title, copy, images, details, angle, and factual accuracy. All editorial decisions are made by Clue staff or freelancers recruited by Clue.

  • We will not engage with sponsors who wish to have approvals or creative control over the content we publish.

  • Any content which is sponsored will include a clear tag under the article title that explains who the content is sponsored by.

Conflicts of interest

We avoid conflict of interest by ensuring that writers, freelancers and editors do not stand to benefit financially or otherwise from any particular content assignments. For example, a freelance writer who also works for an organic tampon company would not be hired to write about menstrual products.

Content on that is sponsor-funded might be produced by writers and researchers who also write Clue editorial. As much as possible, sponsored content is produced by separately operating teams, to avoid conflicts of interest.

Media center

For press inquiries please contact us via

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ilustração da flor do Clue app

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