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Roshni Kulkarni, MD

Une photo de Roshni Kulkarni, MD
Guest Medical Reviewer

Roshni Kulkarni M.D. (aka Dr. Kool Kat) is a Professor and Director Emeritus of the Michigan State University (MSU) Center for Bleeding and Clotting disorders and former director pediatric Hematology Oncology at MSU. She has had a lifelong interest in issues regarding women and girls and has worked on both sides of the placenta i.e. underwent training as an Ob Gyn in India (did a home delivery) then switched to being a pediatrician and later worked with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) on characterizing babies with bleeding disorders. She is a founding member of the Foundation for Women and Girls with Blood Disorders (FWGBD) and a member of the World Federation of Hemophilia WGBD committee.