Emma Günther
Everything you need to know about how to conceive, backed by science
Your trusted guide through conception
Trying to conceive? We’re here to help.
Download ClueFrustrated by trying to conceive? One app can pinpoint your most fertile days based on clinically tested technology and no pee tests or temperature checks.
How can you increase your chances of getting pregnant?
If you’re trying to get pregnant, you’ve probably figured out that your body is not a clock (despite what others may tell you) and advice from friends and family members can only get you so far. It’s common to feel unsure of where, when, or how to start.
Clue Conceive was designed to increase your chances of getting pregnant and empower you with self-knowledge, data, and the support of fertility experts at your fingertips. All you have to do is track your period start dates and the app will give you predictions on when it’s best to have sex or do home insemination.
100% hassle-free, convenient, and reliable. No pee tests, no thermometers, and no guessing.
“The women in my family have so much trouble getting pregnant. I recently switched to Clue Conceive and I got pregnant the very first cycle we tried! The first time! There is only a 30% chance of that happening! Thank you!” -Clue Conceive community member
Why is it helpful to know your fertile window?
Timing sex or home insemination on certain days in your cycle can help you conceive faster than trying on random days (1,2). Your body’s not as mechanical as a clock, so Clue Conceive offers a wide range of days within your cycle that can lead to pregnancy. There's no need to track anything other than your period start date. Period.
The algorithm behind Clue Conceive is clinically tested to predict your fertile days. Sound good? We think so too.

Why should you use an app to keep track of your fertile days?
Before digital technology existed, women and people with cycles used analog calendars to predict their cycles. Calendar-based methods can definitely be helpful, but they don’t work for everyone, even if your cycles are fairly predictable. Thanks to modern technology, individualized algorithms, like the Clue Conceive algorithm, have been proven to be more accurate in predicting the days that sex or insemination can lead to pregnancy compared to most calendar-based methods.
Every body is unique, and so is your cycle. Since your ovulation day can vary from cycle to cycle, Clue Conceive offers wider predictions to guide you and to increase your chances of getting pregnant. The algorithm behind Clue Conceive is clinically tested to predict your fertile days, without using ovulation tests. Timing sex or insemination on these days can help you get pregnant faster
Questions about conceiving? Get reputable answers from qualified experts.
Clue Conceive puts scientific knowledge at your fingertips in a carefully curated Content Tab. Whether you’ve been trying to conceive for months or are just getting started, our in-house team of OB/GYNs, Certified Nurse-Midwives, Registered Nurses, scientists, and reproductive health experts have broken down the science for you into language that’s easy to understand.
From sperm health FAQs to the ins and outs of egg freezing, explore inclusive articles that can help you feel supported and understood, backed by experts and supported by science.
How can you get pregnant faster?
When you’re ready to start trying, timing sex on the days you’re most likely to conceive can help increase your chances of getting pregnant faster. Clue Conceive is based on clinically tested technology and pinpoints the days in your cycle when you are most likely to conceive, without invasive temperature checks or pee tests. All you need to do is track your period start date. Your Clue algorithm will take care of the rest.
Designed to be your personal guide throughout the entire conception process, Clue Conceive takes the mystery out of trying to conceive and puts the power of science directly at your fingertips.
Ready to try with Clue? Subscribe to Clue Plus now to get full access to Clue Conceive.